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Data Management, Marketing Analytics, Performance & Attribution

Information Builders Announces Strong Customer Success and Growth in Q2 2018

Business Intelligence

Information Builders, a leader in business intelligence (BI), analytics, and data management solutions, today announced strong continued momentum through Q2 2018. Industry recognition of the company’s superior customer support team and innovative data management and analytics solutions accented the success and growth in the quarter, as well as its annual Summit User Conference in North America and several key product announcements.

Customer Wins 

In the first half of 2018, Information Builders realized double digit growth in software sales as more organizations across North America, EMEA, and Asia sought to optimize the strategic use of their information assets. Underscoring the wide-ranging application of analytics in driving business forward, Information Builders partnered with organizations representing industries such as healthcare, government, insurance, and financial services. HNTB, Allied Solutions, Nationwide, and Travel & Transport are among the new and expanded customer engagements in the second quarter of 2018.

Industry Recognition 

Information Builders received significant recognition from its user community in Q2 2018. Its WebFOCUS BI and analytics platform was positioned in the Leaders Quadrant of seven G2 Summer 2018 Reports. These reports, which are based on insights and reviews from the Information Builders’ end users, recognized the solution in the categories of Enterprise Search Software, BI Platforms, and Self-Service BI. Additionally, Information Builders was positioned as a Leader in Dresner Advisory Services Wisdom of Crowds® BI Market Study for the ninth consecutive year, as well as in the FrontRunners Quadrant for Business Intelligent software both of which are based largely on feedback from end users.

In addition to recognition driven by end users’ praise for Information Builders’ solutions, the company and its customers received the following accolades:

  • Information Builders was recognized by Forbes as one of America’s Best Midsize Employers and named a finalist by the Business Intelligence Group in the Best Places to Work Awards
  • The Worldwide Customer Services division was honored for its innovative customer support by the SVUS Customer Sales and Service World Awards and American Business Awards
  • iWay 8, Information Builders’ data integration and management suite, was named a Gold Winner in the New Product or Service of the Year Category by Network Product Guide’s IT World Awards
  • Information Builders’ customer St. Luke’s University Health Network won a “Best Health Network Technology Implementation” award for its implementation of Omni-HealthData Insights from MedTech Breakthrough

Summit User Conference 

In Q2 2018, momentum was strong among Information Builders’ existing customer community. In May, more than 1,000 attendees from 14 countries convened in Orlando, Florida to explore the latest trends and best practices in data management and analytics, as well as connect with experts for one-on-one advice on maximizing the value from their data environment.

Information Builders’ President and CEO Gerald Cohen and Chief Operating Officer Frank J. Vella led the event’s keynote and unveiled the company’s latest iWay 8 innovations, five new enhancements to WebFOCUS, several new Accelerators, and how customers can take advantage of a new partnership with Amazon Web Services for a fully managed BI platform in the cloud. Additionally, customers Coty, Gore Mutual, United Way, Lipari Foods, and Floyd Health were honored for exemplary data management and analytics with 2018 Awards of Distinction.

Frank J. Vella, chief operations officer, Information Builders, said: 

“Our team’s ability to consistently deliver the solutions needed to tap into data is evident in the outstanding feedback we received from customers at Summit and the successes we’ve achieved over the last quarter. I am energized about the exciting opportunities that lay ahead for Information Builders and look forward to continuing the momentum in the second half of the year.”

About Information Builders 

Information Builders provides the industry’s most scalable software solutions for data management and analytics. We help organizations operationalize and monetize their data through insights that drive action. Our integrated platform for business intelligence (BI), analytics, data integration, and data quality, combined with our proven expertise, delivers value faster, with less risk. We believe data and analytics are the drivers of digital transformation, and we’re on a mission to help our customers capitalize on new opportunities in the connected world. Information Builders is headquartered in New York, NY, with global offices, and remains one of the largest privately held companies in the industry.

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