Content & Experience, Content Marketing

2017- The year of emerging bottleneck crisis in Martech

content marketing martech

The Martech arena has been an ever up sliding graph in the form of developments. It started off as a minor relish in the technological market and went down on to become a game changer today. From taking a small start in 2007 in the form of baby steps- from the launch of iPhone to Netflix announcing its streaming to today where Netflix has almost replaced television and iPhone has had ten more versions, we have come a long way in the form of marketing technology being the most pivotal face of marketing.

There are however newer bottlenecks which have crept into the martech domain. The massive growth in the marketing fundamentals market has however paved its way into the newer bottleneck shift for the market as well. According to the recent market research report, it is said that the new age problem that the marketers are going to face in the probable future is the dearth of content. Due to martech streamlining and improvisation, there are several branches and channels which have formed down from the complex state-of-art martech functioning world that we are in now but there might not be enough content to fill out to all those categories and subcategories as a result of the content crisis and repetitive content.

To summarise it the marketers have ended up doing a such a fabulous job implementing the software solutions to enhance and ease out content targeting and content distribution that they have ended up creating a newer crisis for themselves: content creation.

Identification of the type of bottleneck:

Declaration of having a bottleneck is one thing and to act and identify on it is a whole another thing. To simplify the crisis of content the best way to start is to break the problem and identify the main issue.

You can classify your content crisis in three  ways:

1)    Content-Quantity Problem

A genuine need of content to the starving consumers and empty marketing channels.

2)    Content-Quality Problem

Having a plethora of content which is not suitable for deliverable status.

3)    Content- Channeling Problem

Having a good amount of content but not enough knowledge of how to put which content in its right location.

Once you classify your content crisis according to these problems then you can proceed further in solving the crisis

The Royal Fix:

In the marketing technology world, the only content which counts is the content which actually reaches the consumer. Luckily for the marketers, as the problem is relatively evolving the solution approach needed for it can be sequential. Taking the inspiration from “The Goal” by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt — a “business novel” here is a 5 step solution to solving any bottleneck that might come up in a business model.

1)    Identify: Identify your crisis and pave your path accordingly ( quality, quantity or coordination)

2)    Optimize: Optimize and brainstorm the bottleneck and measure up the solutions according to variance. Jolt down a list of solutions according to low variance and high variance. Low variance solutions are those which generate similar output every time and high variance solutions are those which churn out a different outcome each time they are worked upon. Make sure you seethe out every ounce of efficiency from low variance solutions such as legal bindings and proceedings for better collaborative efficiency to occur at the high variance stuff such as creative thinking and creative content filtration.

3)    Support: The best way of alleviating a constraint for the firm is to support the constraint in the best way possible. Shift focus from the main bottleneck and its hurdles and try to think what can resolute the whole problem. Shifting focus, Rethinking a new solution and Resource allocation for the new solution is proved to be one of the most optimum ways to deal with a bottleneck.

4)   Elevate: Once you have dealt with the first three functions of the support segment you can go ahead and elevate your capability in the bottleneck process and brainstorm along the way with the probable solution so as to increase and enhance the flexibility with which we can deal with different constraints using the same solution. This will help to drive incremental growth.

5)   Iterate: One big problem is always an accommodated bunch of many small problems. Once the potential bottleneck is resolved it is always better to go back and tame on the many causes of it. The more atom level your solution approach is the agiler your business model tends to be. After all, the utmost sign of agility is controlling the bottlenecks as they emerge.

These are some of the methods which could help the marketers in the emerging content crisis bottleneck problem in the near future.


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