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WebMechanix Named Best Large Integrated Search Agency by US Search

This award recognizes WebMechanix for delivering search engine marketing and advertising campaigns that increase profits.

WebMechanix, a performance-based digital marketing firm headquartered in the Baltimore-Washington region, announced today that it was named the best large integrated search [marketing/advertising] agency in the nation by US Search Awards.

The US Search Awards is a premier awards ceremony that assesses some of the most competitive agencies and companies in the nation and awards winners in various digital marketing categories (PPC, content marketing, SEO, Finance, Retail, and so forth).

This award recognizes WebMechanix’s focus on delivering search engine marketing and advertising campaigns for clients that increase profits. Search engines can produce high-ROI and sustainable growth for businesses who use internet marketing to get leads, sales, and ultimately grow their business.

WebMechanix was also nominated for US Search’s “best use of search in the third sector” award for their work with Philanthropy University and “best use of search in finance” award for their work with StreetShares.

WebMechanix co-founder Arsham Mirshah said, “It’s an honor to be recognized by US Search. This award validates our deep expertise in search engine optimization and search engine advertising. The search engine marketing landscape changes often, with improvements to algorithms and new ad platform features rolled out as often as monthly. Our focus on this marketing and advertising channel allows us to stay ahead of these changes and apply the best-in-class technology and solutions to our clients’ businesses and help them grow in a sustainable manner.”

WebMechanix is experiencing double-digit growth year-over-year. In addition to the US Search Best Large Integrated Search Agency award, other noteworthy 2019 accomplishments include:

  • Inc. 5000 fastest-growing private companies (6 years in a row)
  • Inc. Best Places to Work (2019)
  • HubSpot Diamond Certified Agency Partner (top tier)
  • Baltimore Business Journal’s Fast-50: 50 fastest growing companies
  • Muse Awards
  • Marcom Awards
  • DotCOMM Awards
  • Hermes Awards

To learn more about WebMechanix, please visit http://www.webmechanix.com or call 1.888.932.6861.

About WebMechanix
WebMechanix is a performance-based digital marketing firm on a mission to help middle-market companies move needles faster, more meaningfully, and more sustainably than any comparable solution on the market. Founded in 2009 by Chris Mechanic and Arsham Mirshah, the company is headquartered in the Baltimore-Washington region.

Today, WebMechanix is one of the fastest-growing digital forces on the scene. This exponential growth is fueled by the company’s focus on deeply understanding and exceeding unique client needs to measurably impact business results. The agency is ranked #85 in the world by clutch.co. WebMechanix is also a Google Premier Partner, HubSpot Diamond Certified Agency Partner, consistently ranks on the Inc. 5000 list, and a 2018 Top Workplace according to the Baltimore Sun.

About US Search Awards
The US Search Awards is a premier awards ceremony that assesses some of the most competitive agencies and companies in North America and awards winners in various digital marketing categories (PPC, content marketing, SEO, Finance, Retail, and so forth). Recognizable winners include SEMrush and Hewlett Packard.

About Philanthropy University
Philanthropy University has a vision to help every frontline practitioner get access to critical resources to grow their impact despite operating in an under-resourced community. They want to give all organizations access to practical learnings, a supportive network and resources to drive bigger outcomes with technology. They have served over 300,000 users from more than 180 countries.

About StreetShares
StreetShares is a company with a mission to bring trusted digital finance to America’s heroes. Their team is an incredibly passionate and dedicated group of veterans and civilians who are driven by helping entrepreneurs succeed.

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