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In-House Techhub

Top 5 Tools for Guaranteed Affiliate Marketing Success

Affiliate Marketing

One of the most popular means of making that also enables individuals to earn some extra income online and letting people know about your business and products is Affiliate Marketing. It is one of those marketing forms that is loved by marketers. So, to drive success in affiliate marketing, conversion is very important, that is the reason why you must engage actively with your visitors to purchase products from your affiliate links. The earning potential of affiliate marketing is massive as long as you are willing to put in the hard yards to sharpen your affiliate marketing strategies. Becoming a successful affiliate marketer is about working smart, not working hard.

One of the main reasons why marketers love affiliate marketing is because it is very easy to measure. Maybe that is also the reason why a lot of money is getting spent on it. Did you know, by 2020 the spending was expected to reach $ 6.8 billion, which is a huge number?

More investment in affiliate marketing means increased workload and also an increase in the requirement for affiliate marketing tools and software solutions. So, if you really wish to make money in the affiliate marketing game, you will undoubtedly require the right affiliate marketing tools to optimize different offers across multiple platforms. But before I give you a list of affiliate marketing tools, I would like to showcase a couple of stats.

Some Facts on Affiliate Marketing:

  •       81% of brands and 84% of publishers take advantage of the power of affiliate marketing, a statistic that will continue to rise as affiliate marketing spending rises every year in the United States.
  •         The affiliate marketing of Jason Stone, also known as Millionaire Mentor, was responsible for the retail sale of around $7 million in retail sales just in the months of June and July in 2017.

Now, let’s check out some tools that will guarantee your affiliate marketing success.

1) AnyTrack

AnyTrack is an affiliate marketing tool that enables marketers to track and sync conversions from any affiliate network that utilizes Google Analytics and the Facebook Pixel.

As an affiliate marketer, measuring your success as well as failure is the key to improve the performance of your marketing campaign. Whether you favor Google Ads, or SEO, or even Facebook, tracking your conversion data with the help of analytics tools will give you the actionable insights you require to optimize and scale your campaigns.

AnyTrack TAG is a single line of code that completely automates data collection and syncs data across your martech stack without any code or complicated setup.

2) Voluum

Voluum is an ad tracking platform that is designed particularly for affiliate marketers.

You can utilize Voluum to track all of your advertising campaigns, analyze data, and optimize your ad performance.

Voluum is an affiliate marketing tool that works with almost all advertising traffic sources and comes with pre-built templates for the following platforms, and more features.

3) AdSanity

AdSanity is a light advertising rotator plugin for WordPress. It enables the marketer to create and manage ads shown on a website and keep statistics on views and clicks.

Some features of AdSanity are-

  •         Via the WordPress dashboard, you can add and manage local images, link ads, or external network ads.
  •         You can set publishing and end dates for ads, also create and manage ad groups.
  •         By utilizing sidebar widgets, you can insert ads or ad groups into the sidebar.
  •         You can also monitor views and clicks of your advertisements.

 4) AdThrive

There are many affiliate marketers who choose to place Google AdSense on their sites which enables you to set up ad blocks that other sites can pay to use.

AdThrive syncs and works with your team to optimize your ads for enhanced performance. It takes a deep dive look into your analytics to understand the advertisers who are willing to see the best performance on your site.

Hence, you can expect higher click-through rates on your ads, which will help you to generate more revenue.

5) ShareASale

ShareASale is an effective affiliate marketing tool where merchants and affiliates can get connected, meet and do business. Their cutting-edge technology makes utilization seamless for customers.

ShareASale was acquired by Awin in 2017. This acquisition gave it international exposure. With the help of this tool, you can make the most out of your resources and excel at affiliate marketing.


If you are planning to spend time on affiliate marketing, make sure that you put your best foot forward.

Competition in affiliate marketing is huge, so take the help of these tools to give you that verge in your efforts. With the integration of these affiliate marketing tools, your affiliate marketing will be more effective than ever before.

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    Chandrima Samanta
    Content-Editor at MartechCube
    Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.

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