Market Intelligence

MZ GROUP-The ‘One Metric that Matters’ for Investor Relations Officers

Leveraging the 'Value Index' to Focus on What Matters and Outperform Your Peers
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MZ Group, a global leader in investor relations and corporate communications, disclosed today its strategy to support public companies in their shareholder value creation journey that considers focusing on the “One Metric That Matters” for investor relations programs: the Value Index over time.

Rather than selecting a few standard KPIs and hoping they resonate with the CEO and the Board of Directors, IROs are better off prioritizing their focus on the Value Index, even if it means missing some secondary metrics.

While we are not implying there’s only one metric IROs should care about, we do believe that at any given time, the Value Index is the one metric that should take precedent above all else. There is nothing easier and more direct, that also provides full alignment with the interest of the company owners (its shareholders).

It can be monitored daily and even built with historical data for a retrospective and evolutionary overview of the company’s value journey. Once the Board of Directors selects the reference (a single peer or a group of peers), a good IRO has to deliver a consistent and sustainable increase in the Value Index.

If the Company’s Value Index is not progressively improving, no other single KPIs is as relevant. In fact, we believe the Value Index is so relevant that CEOs and Board Members should also incorporate it as part of their own evaluation process.

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