
StatSocial™ launched new measurement capabilities for Silhouette™


StatSocial™, the industry’s only social audience company to offer insights beyond Twitter, launched new measurement capabilities for Silhouette™—their award-winning social insights platform— designed to accurately determine the brand impact of influencer marketing campaigns.

Despite the remarkable growth of influencer and social marketing over the past decade, marketers have grappled with the challenge of justifying their investments, primarily due to the lack of accurate measurement solutions in the market.

With Silhouette’s latest product rollout, marketers can now:

  • Identify exposed influencer audiences across multiple social channels
  • Launch brand lift surveys to determine impact of paid influencer efforts
  • Measure brand awareness, perception, and behavior tied to specific influencer and social audiences
  • Deploy ongoing brand tracking to measure changes in audience sentiment over time

“Understanding the impact of influencer campaigns on your brand is vital for optimizing success,” said David Barker, CEO of StatSocial. “Conventional measurement methods, such as forced exposure, have fallen short in providing accurate insights. At StatSocial, we find that well-executed influencer campaigns often generate significant ROI relative to traditional paid media. This breakthrough capability delivers marketers the data they need to instill confidence in their influencer investments.”

Silhouette offers a seamless user experience, allowing marketers to easily build custom social audiences, select from pre-built survey templates aligned with core brand initiatives, deploy surveys, and access campaign insights on intuitive dashboards.

While most measurement solutions focus on paid advertising initiatives or a single social channel, Silhouette is the first brand measurement tool that aggregates exposed audiences across multiple social channels.

By combining these capabilities with Silhouette’s deep social insights on key audience interests, affinities, and preferences, marketers gain the power to create impactful campaigns that resonate with their audience and drive results.

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