Optimization, Personalization & Testing

State of Texting report: TextUs

TextUs research finds rich media enhances overall engagement when used in campaign and conversational SMS for businesses, presents findings in upcoming webinar, scheduled for March 22, 2023 at 11am MT.

Denver, Colorado, March 16, 2023 – TextUs, the leading conversational texting platform that enables organizations to have engaging real-time conversations with prospects, candidates, employees and customers has found in recent data that the presence of images in text campaigns increases overall engagement and lowers opt outs.

In TextUs’ latest State of Texting report, TextUs found text messaging to be the leading communication channel among those surveyed, outpacing email and phone by large margins.  Over 50% indicated text messaging was the most effective way to communicate in their business workflows.  Additionally, 62% of users indicate they are using text messaging multiple times per day.  Further, recent research indicates that SMS campaigns that utilize an image show a 10% increase in likelihood of getting a response.  Not only that, but these same rich media campaigns have a 22% lower opt-out rate.

While SMS campaigns are not new to business text messaging, the ability to send campaigns with rich media varies from provider to provider, so it is best to verify whether or not your texting platform can support this functionality.

TextUs will be presenting some best practices and real world examples of how image use and A/B testing can drive engagement in text messaging campaigns in a live webinar on Wednesday, March 22nd  at 11am MST.  Webinar guests are encouraged to register even if they are unable to attend the live session as a recording will be emailed to all registrants following the presentation.  Registration is open to the general public and can be found here.

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