Sales Automation, Enablement & Intelligence

Sales Enablement Leader Mediafly Launches Content Hub

New product offering empowers marketing and sales teams to improve content engagement and accelerate path to purchase
sales automation

Mediafly, a provider of sales enablement technology, content management, and advisory services that create interactive, value-based selling experiences, announced today Mediafly Content Hub, a solution providing marketers the ability to manage public-facing website sales content, customer-facing sales content and internal-only sales content all in one place, allowing teams to share relevant, engaging and personalized content throughout every stage of the buying process. The addition of Content Hub to its robust suite of sales enablement and content management solutions positions Mediafly as the first sales enablement technology provider to support the entire buyer journey in one platform, enabling a consistent, personalized and engaging sales content experience from a buyer’s first interaction with a brand through to conversion and post-sale martech news.

The typical B2B buyer is already 57% through the purchase process before reaching out to sales. This makes the content that buyers self-discover online a critical component of the sales process. To win attention and ultimately new customers, companies must offer a consistent, premium, end-to-end sales content experience that guides a buyer from education to purchase. This flow is typically obstructed by sales and marketing content housed in disparate, non-communicative systems that fail to leverage the collective insights that guide buyers toward confident purchase decisions.

“Until now, sales enablement platforms largely supported buyer engagement later in the sales process, after buyers conducted their own research and consequently, formed their own brand opinions,” said Carson Conant, CEO, Mediafly. “With Content Hub, Mediafly solves for the disjointed and incongruous sales content experience with rich, interactive sales content that connects buyers and sellers with the most personalized, dynamic, engaging, consistent sales content experience during the entire journey. In an increasingly remote landscape, companies that recognize the value of content in the totality of the buyer journey will close more deals and win against the competition.”

Providing further business benefits, Mediafly is solidly positioned as the sales enablement market leader in measuring content usage and consumption, thanks to its Mediafly Insights capabilities. Companies that leverage Mediafly Content Hub benefit from detailed analytics to understand how all content is consumed so that marketers can optimize content, create better prospects for sellers, and ultimately, generate more revenue.

In Forrester’s State of Digitized Selling Report, Principal Analyst Mary Shea said, “Channel-agnostic buyers expect compelling and interconnected experiences across all routes they choose throughout their journeys, but many B2B organizations lack the maturity to meet this advanced requirement. Most are in the early-to-middle stages of arming sellers and buyers with digital tools to enhance presale and post-sale interactions.”

Through Content Hub companies can automatically surface the most relevant content for a buyer on the website in the early stages of buyer research, create more qualified leads, and keep the content experience consistent across the buyer journey even after the handoff from marketing to sales has occurred.

Instead of relying on disparate technology providers, companies can now rely on Mediafly’s all-in-one solution. Benefits of Content Hub include:

  • Sales collateral and marketing demand generation content managed in one place, automatically shared and personalized across different channels
  • ML-powered personalized content served to buyers on website based on firmographics and behavior signals provided by ABM engagement platform strategic partner 6Sense
  • A holistic view of how buyers use and consume all content – down to precise page views, time spent, content shares and more

“Content Hub allows marketing to execute sales enablement in an entirely new way, providing a single source of truth for customer-facing content and eliminating the need to distribute it and integrate across multiple environments and with multiple vendors,” said Jason Shah, CTO, Mediafly. “Managing the right content in one place that is tailored to match the interests and profiles of prospects means buyers engage with you via a uniquely personalized experience from which you can glean content insights you’ve never had before.”

Leading the next wave of innovation in sales enablement, Mediafly is uniquely positioned to redefine the way content guides buyers through the entire sales lifecycle, from the earliest touchpoints in the journey through to conversion and post-sale. Its strong, consistent track record of providing content management and sales enablement capabilities includes virtual selling, content usage and consumption analytics, interactive sales presentation UI and content animation, value-selling tools, and sales readiness.

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