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Pixability Joins Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM)

Pixability and GARM will build upon the YouTube and CTV Suitability and Performance industry education initiatives they've already developed together
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Pixability, the only provider of software and insights for video advertising on YouTube and other leading connected TV (CTV) platforms, today announced it has become an official member of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), the cross-industry initiative established by the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA). The company has been tapped to play a leading role in helping to establish contextual, brand safety and suitability guidelines for the advertising industry while increasing trust and transparency for advertisers. Pixability has been working closely with GARM since the initiative’s inception to help move the marketplace forward with regard to standards and education, and will now become a key member of a group of select ad technology companies that have been invited to officially join the initiative. In October 2021, Pixability released a major study in collaboration with GARM titled What Every Agency Should Know About Brand Safety, Brand Suitability & Performance on YouTube. The study became a critical educational resource for agencies and brands seeking a deeper understanding of safety and suitability issues on YouTube.

“In a short period of time, GARM has had an incredibly meaningful impact on our industry, bringing together key leaders from agencies, brands and platforms to set standards, ensure transparency, and give advertisers more in control,” said David George, CEO of Pixability. “From the start, we’ve been working very closely with GARM and are thrilled to now be one of the first ad technology companies to be invited to become an official member of this important initiative.”

GARM was established by the WFA to address the challenges resulting from harmful content on digital media platforms and monetization via advertising. It brings together advertisers, agencies, media companies, platforms, industry organizations and, most recently, ad tech providers. GARM’s mission is to help the digital media ecosystem work together on shared priorities that will lead to the removal of harmful content from advertiser-supported social media.

“Brands play a pivotal role in online media operations and it’s our responsibility to make sure that their advertising decisions support positive content and avoid harmful content,” said Rob Rakowitz, Initiative Lead – Global Alliance for Responsible Media. “We are creating standards, promoting transparency and providing controls for advertisers who are addressing these challenges and we welcome the opportunity to work with companies who share our priorities. We are excited to partner with Pixability to ensure a safer online environment that builds trust with both marketers and consumers.” (

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