Sales Automation, Enablement & Intelligence

Nimble Launches Workflows to Empower Small Businesses

Ready-to-Use Workflow Templates Help Teams Manage Processes Beyond Sales, including HR, Marketing, Support, Finance, and More
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Nimble, the relationship-focused CRM for your entire team, announced today that they have launched Workflows to help companies manage repeatable people-related business processes. Workflows enable teams across all departments to ditch spreadsheets and manage processes in graphical boards and list views, saving time and increasing efficiency.

Manage People-Related Business Workflows As a Team

Repeatable processes are key to scaling a business, but managing external contact-related workflows across an entire company has historically been way too hard. Contact tools from Microsoft and Google aren’t designed for team contact management or workflows, and most CRMs are built for sales people to manage prospects so the rest of the company ends up using spreadsheets to manage people processes.

Nimble’s Workflows solve this by creating a place to track and manage everything that is needed to move contacts and companies through the processes necessary to grow a business. Workflows are designed to be used across all departments in a company including sales, marketing, customer service, accounting, business development, and more.

Nimble Workflows Help Teams Manage Contact Processes

“Most companies don’t use any CRM or a team contact manager and still manage customer interactions in spreadsheets and email,” said Jon Ferrara, CEO of Nimble“Nimble’s new Workflows enable teams to manage people-related business processes with a relationship-focused CRM that is designed to be the whole company’s contact manager.”

Ready-to-Use Workflow Templates for Any Business Use Case

Nimble created ready-to-use Workflow templates for any type of repeatable business interactions that teams perform, including customer support, order management, accounts receivable, hiring, PR, influencer marketing, fundraising, and more. Workflow templates are easily customizable to track the stages and fields that fit unique engagement processes.

As an example, stages can be defined for recruiting purposes to show how candidates are moving through the hiring process by allowing all stakeholders to quickly access all important information about applicants.

“What I love most about Nimble is that it’s built for the whole company, not just salespeople. I believe that the whole team should share and manage a common contact database that tracks the interactions and follow ups needed to grow a successful company,” says Jeff SheehanIntegrated Marketing Consultant and Speaker“By adding Workflows, Nimble now enables everybody across the company to manage the people-related processes that they need to truly scale a business.”

Streamline Workflow Processes and Grow Your Business with Nimble

  • Relate Workflows to Contact Records – Associate workflows with people and companies to get a 360-degree relationship overview, including history of interactions, calendar events, attachments, custom field information.
  • Manage Business Workflows Across Departments – Think beyond sales and create multiple workflows to track repeatable business processes from a variety of outreaches, including; hiring, influencer marketing/PR, fundraising, professional network building, etc.
  • Use Pre-Built Workflow Templates or Create Your Own – Save time by utilizing ready-to-use workflow templates with pre-defined stages and fields designed for many common business use cases. Templates can be easily modified and/or new ones can be created from scratch.
  • Visualize Contact Workflows in Spreadsheet/Board Views – Progress leads and contacts from one stage to the next either in board or spreadsheet list views. Use in-line editing to make quick changes to the information you’re tracking on your contacts.
  • Manage Workflows from Anywhere You Work – Streamline processes by adding contacts to workflows from your email inbox, any website, web forms, social media, business apps, or via Zapier/Integromat or Nimble’s API.

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