Retail, Proximity & IoT Marketing

Nfinite Featured in Coresight Research Report

Latest Innovator Intelligence Report Features Nfinite Case Study and Discusses the Advantages 3D Visuals Can Bring to the Retail Industry

Nfinite, the leader in 3D visualization and e-merchandising for retailers, partnering with Coresight Research, today announced the release of the report, “CGI Provides Benefits for Retail That Traditional Photography Cannot Match.” The research, which features Nfinite, is part of Coresight Research’s Innovator Intelligence series, which focuses on emerging companies disrupting traditional retail and fueling innovation across the retail value chain.

In the report, Coresight Research shares that retailers are increasingly turning to computer-generated imagery (CGI) to improve merchandising and meet the rapidly growing demand for visual content to sell and market products online. The report also discusses the cost and time savings associated with CGI compared to traditional photography. The report highlights that using CGI is 63% quicker than traditional photography in producing product visuals and is 50% more carbon efficient than traditional photography.

“Advances in 3D technology are changing the way online retailers create images and deliver content while paying attention to environmental impact,” noted Deborah Weinswig, founder and CEO of Coresight Research. “Producing visuals and product content can be expensive and time-consuming. We are excited about photorealistic CGI, which, aside from cost savings, can have potential positive impact on driving shopper engagement and conversion while reducing returns by providing customers a better sense of what they are purchasing.”

The report spotlights a customer case study from Nfinite. A multi-channel home and living retailer partnered with Nfinite’s online merchandising solution and saw improved overall sales, page visits and add-to-cart rates from product pages. The customer also shared they saved 85% in per-image production costs compared with the previous solution.

“We are thrilled to be featured in Coresight Research’s latest report,” said Nfinite founder and CEO, Alexandre de Vigan. “The research supports that the future of ecommerce will be highly visual and require entirely new technologies to meet shoppers’ demands. We are proud to be considered a leader in helping retailers leverage CGI and 3D technologies to improve business outcomes.”

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