The Metrical Abandonment Survey – Shopify’s first exit-based survey – provides on-line merchants with real-time information to help them understand why shoppers are abandoning. Now available on Shopify’s app store, the one-click survey delivers feedback from abandoning visitors to enable sellers to instantly understand why shoppers are leaving without purchasing and what they should change in order to improve the customer’s experience. (
“As retailers increasingly embrace analytics and behavior modeling to increase conversion rates, it’s exciting to see Metrical driving innovation across the entire digital experience,” said retail analyst and bestselling author Steve Dennis (Remarkable Retail: How to Win & Keep Customers in the Age of Disruption, LifeTree Media, 2021). “Now with their featured compatibility with eCommerce platforms like Shopify, I’m confident they can help retailers establish a lasting competitive advantage.”
E-Commerce retailers are facing cart abandonment rates of 81% equating to $4.0T in lost sales (Business Insider). This will derail not only the most carefully planned growth strategies but worse, can easily drive an online merchant out of business. The counterpunch to these alarming stats is having on-the-spot, actionable intelligence that enables a merchant to create the type of customer experience that breeds loyalty and repeat business resulting in an increase in customer lifetime value (LTV).
“Tech accessories are an extremely competitive market so it’s not enough to just drive traffic, you have to maximize every customer visit to your site,” explained Marlee Luttrell, Director of Web & Marketing Strategy at Twelve South. “With Metrical’s Predictive Abandonment tools, we were able to identify why and when people were leaving the purchase funnel which allowed us to tailor our offers to that particular point in their customer journey. This increased the effectiveness of the offers, reducing cart and site abandonment and increasing conversion rate. You can’t convert every single visit but with the right data at the right time, you sure can try!”
“Our micro survey can be displayed anywhere to help merchants better understand what their customers want and why they are leaving,” explained Zabe Agha, Founder and CEO of Metrical. “The survey’s flexibility enables sellers to instantly discover a wide range of information such as if products are too hard to find, if prices are too high or if their messaging is not resonating with consumers which in turn allows them to make changes that speak directly to the customer at the moment they need it most.”
In addition to providing immediate feedback, the survey data can be used strategically in the development of behavioral models. These models work with Metrical’s AI Conversion Engine to proactively engage with shoppers before they abandon their cart thereby driving revenue and reducing lost sales. This data can also drive management dashboards as well as enable a range of analytics and business intelligence applications.
Shopify App Store Link: (
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