
Interview with VP of Global Sales at bpm’online – Andie Dovgan



“To thrive amidst continuous innovation and disruption, businesses need to constantly adapt and transform.”

1. Tell us a little about yourself and your role at bpm’online?
As the VP of Global Sales at bpm’online, a global business software company leading in the space of business process automation and CRM, I bring over 10 years of experience in enterprise-level SaaS sales and worldwide business development.

I know you can’t have excellent customer relationships without powerful business processes. Overseeing sales, customer success and lead generations teams in the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions are just some of my areas of responsibility. I am committed to helping bpm’online clients transform their businesses to better address challenges and grasp opportunities of the digital era. Moreover, being highly focused on value delivery and consultative approach in sales and account management is one of my top priorities.

2. What do you think is the one feature that you advised this year to plug in a better actionable customer relationship management model?
To thrive amidst continuous innovation and disruption, businesses need to constantly adapt and transform. Having a great team, the right strategy, and well-designed processes are not enough for a better actionable customer relationship management model in 2019. Organizations need systems that help align data, processes, and teams enabling them to better connect with digital native customers and rapidly adapt. It is important that business software implementation should take days or weeks, not years and people should enjoy using it, as rapid user adoption is critical to success. Moreover, change is the new normal, and organizations need the agility to easily and rapidly modify existing applications and process without deep technical skills.

3. We recently covered a press release on how bpm’online has launched several new features to your already successful intelligent platform. How important do you think continuous updates are in order to stay relevant in the market today? Does it sometimes take away from the familiarity base with the customers?
Successful digital transformation is now the top focus of modern organizations, as it reshapes every business aspect and lays down its own rules for companies’ growth and development strategy. Every new version that bpm’online releases is designed to provide businesses all over the world with maximum agility and tools to adapt and transform faster in the constantly accelerating world. It is crucial for bpm’online to equip our customers with all the tools to always accelerate and be ahead of the game. The continuous updates and development of bpm’online platform are driving businesses forward, as our customers get professional training and all the necessary assistance along with user-friendly interface which results in a high user adoption rate.

4. ACCELERATE seems to be in full gear currently. Can you give us a sneak-peak into your speech at the event? What topics are you mainly looking forward to digress onto?
Business transformation is huge right now. Latest Economist Intelligence Unit research claims that it is the primary strategic priority for 77% of businesses. Both digital native and non-digital companies are continually reinventing their products, business models and all joint processes for staying competitive and profitable in an increasingly dynamic environment.

Business transformation requires every activity in the company from advertising and lead gen, to sales and accounting workflows, to be digitized, aligned and perfectly automated. Also, companies can no longer afford to take months to respond to evolving customer preferences or implement new ideas.

Therefore, business transformation is a complex process that impacts all strategic aspects of organizations and this is why I’ve chosen it to be the main topic of my speech.

5. What differentiates ACCELERATE from other mainstream MARTECH events?

“ACCELERATE” is a premier event for business and tech leaders with a great opportunity to meet top BPM, CRM and tech industry experts, who will share their valuable insights on how to accelerate business growth and be two steps ahead in digital competition.

The speakers at “ACCELERATE” event bring world-class experiences from inside and outside the tech world to help you unlock that next level of growth. At the event, people can benefit from inspiring speeches and get valuable insights to find new ways for business transformation.

6. What do you think should be the main takeaway from ACCELERATE apart from bonding and sharing collective ideas of great market minds?
At ACCELERATE, thought leaders will share their real-life business experiences and deep field expertise on how businesses can accelerate adaptation in response to industry disruption. Our guests will discover how organizations can accelerate their marketing, sales and operations faster. In addition, key industry experts will outline innovative perspectives on customer-obsessed business strategy with tactical actions that will lead the organization into a successful digital future.

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Andie is an enthusiastic, ambitious and results-driven leader with 10+ years of experience in enterprise-level SaaS sales and worldwide business development.

He is Currently the VP of Global Sales at bpm’online - agile platform for business process automation and CRM.
He oversees sales, customer success and lead generations teams in the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. He is committed to helping bpm’online clients in transforming their businesses to address challenges and grasp opportunities of the digital era. He is highly focused on value delivery and consultative approach in sales and account management.

Bpm'online is a global software company leading in the space of business process automation and CRM.

The company has been highly recognized as a market leader by key industry analysts. Its intelligent platform accelerates sales, marketing, service and operations for thousands of customers and hundreds of partners worldwide.
For more information please visit our Website.

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