Events, Meetings & Webinars

MarketingPulse and eTailingPulse attract 1600 industry professionals


Some 80 renowned speakers from around the world focus on  hot topics in marketing and e-commerce

  • The parallel MarketingPulse and eTailingPulse conferences at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) featured about 80 speakers from around the world who presented at over 30 sessions, InnoTalks and digital marketing and e-tailing workshops
  • The conferences attracted more than 1600 industry professionals from 20 countries and regions
  • Discussions focused on technology; AI futurist Zack Kass revealed the opportunities AI brought and suggested marketers embrace the change with optimism

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) held the parallel MarketingPulse and eTailingPulse conferences at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). Themed Envision the Next Level, the conferences featured over 30 sessions, InnoTalks and digital marketing and e-tailing workshops, attracting more than 1600 industry professionals from 20 countries and regions.

In her welcoming remarks, HKTDC Executive Director Margaret Fong said: “The marketing and e-tailing industries are in constant search of innovative strategies that can reinforce those treasured connections between brands and their consumer base. And that is what MarketingPulse and eTailingPulse are about. This two-in-one event brings together the most creative minds from around the world to exchange insights on the latest trends and opportunities in marketing and e-tailing and to facilitate collaboration.”

Some 80 speakers from across the globe addressed topics ranging from AI marketing, purpose marketing, national trends and K-Pop for marketing. On targeting age groups, speakers discussed tactics and strategies for the Gen Alpha and silver markets. Other speakers discussed sustainability, sensory marketing, genderless marketing and brand storytelling.

AI and other technologies change marketing world
Having radically changed the world, artificial intelligence is playing a growing role in marketing. AI Futurist Zack Kass, former Head of Go To Market at OpenAI, analysed AI trends in marketing, said AI adoption was creating more powerful, efficient agents in the industry. “It’s no longer when you should adopt, but what you should adopt,” Mr Kass said, emphasising the urgency. On the public concerns that AI agents would replace human beings, Mr Kass said: “We get to decide what is the line between human and machine and we want to be very clear about it.” He urged his audience to “embrace the change with optimism”.

Karen Cheng, the Head of Social at 9GAG, discussed the transformative impact of memes on brand engagement and content creation in the Web3 era. She said that using memes involved a long-term strategy which impacted business, and pointed out that technology impacted all ages groups. She said: “Business should constantly create value for these holders and influence people to create a community.”

National trends define direction 
The national trends discussion combined Chinese elements with contemporary cultural trends. Yinan Wang, Director of the Digital and Information Management Centre and iMoutai Department, Kweichow Moutai, described how the brand innovatively brought the national beverage Moutai to the younger generation. He said the firm established a Maoxiaoling brand of liquor infused chocolates with a trendy image to target customers aged 25 to 50. Mr Wang said: “Youth easily change their tastes, the focus is how to keep them with you, this is the challenge.”

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