Customer Experience, Service & Success

Mapp updating Mapp Cloud with a range of compelling new features

  • Update contains nine major updates for Mapp Cloud
  • CDP now fully integrates with the Shopify eCommerce platform, enhancing the Mapp Intelligence feature with AI-based revenue monitoring combined with improved date selection

Mapp, the international provider of insight-led customer experience, is updating its marketing platform Mapp Cloud with a range of compelling new features. In the newly updated version of Mapp Cloud, Smart Notifications work more autonomously while monitoring companies’ revenues. AI-based Revenue Monitoring identifies anomalies instantly and automatically. The new AI monitors changes in purchasing behavior as well as in revenue and automatically identifies possible causes of such anomalies. Mapp’s causal diagram is then used to establish the connection between various factors such as order status, order value and turnover, allowing conclusions to be drawn about the origin of the anomalies. Events such as regional holidays, for example, often cause the occurrence of anomalies and are considered.

After the calculation, the display provides the three KPIs that correlate most strongly with the decrease or increase (e.g., decrease in turnover, decrease in turnover for mobile devices and decrease in turnover for SEO attributes).

Mapp has also made several changes to improve the user experience. The date selection feature in Mapp Intelligence now enables time periods to be set down to the minute and newly created visualizations make for easier switching between months and years. The current date selection has also been replaced so the time zone of the Mapp Cloud users’ account is now automatically displayed.

Steve Warren, CEO of Mapp, comments: “With these new features, Mapp Cloud is continuing to solidify its Insight-led marketing proposition. We are providing access to additional data sources whilst, at the same time, leveraging AI to alert marketers about emerging opportunities with easy-to-understand explanations, saving them hours if not days trying to make sense of their data.”

In addition to the new features, Mapp is also giving a sneak peak of its forthcoming Microsites Builder feature. The completely redesigned user interface will make it easier for Mapp users to create microsites and landing pages. The content creation functionality will also be reworked so that content can be created easily for all channels. Through technical restructuring and the addition of more features, Mapp will improve the user experience and revamp the interface for smooth microsite creation workflow.

Further updates

  • Integration of the eCommerce platform Shopify into the Mapp Cloud
  • Enhancements to the Analytics API
  • New scheduling options for Marketing Automation campaigns
  • Updated Pixel Debug plugin
  • Coming soon: Simplified raw data export for Mapp Intelligence
  • Additional authentication option for mobile channels

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