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JumpCrew Announces Inaugural Conference “JumpCon: The Digital Sales Transformation Summit”

October 24 event to spotlight sales transformation and the power of combining digital marketing with sales
JumpCrew Announces Inaugural Conference "JumpCon: The Digital Sales Transformation Summit"

JumpCrew, the leading demand generation platform that integrates sales and marketing to accelerate new customer acquisition, will host its inaugural conference, JumpCon: The Digital Sales Transformation Summit on Thursday Oct. 24, 2019 at Marathon Music Works in Nashville. The one-day conference will feature talks by industry leaders that educate attendees on leading digital sales transformation and implement an integrated sales and marketing approach to improve conversions, acquire customers and increase revenue.

“JumpCon gives us the ability to connect world-renowned speakers with world-class sales and marketing professionals looking to up their game,” said Chief Marketing Officer of JumpCrew, Lavall Chichester. “I’m excited to bring them together with the support of partners like Twitter, Outreach and Salesforce who have so much to offer businesses in order to help them grow. We’ll be making symbiotic connections that will change peoples’ careers and businesses.”

The line-up of speakers includes:

  • Rand Fishkin, Co-Founder of Moz, CEO of Sparktoro and acclaimed author
  • Alden Mills, CEO of Perfect Fitness, author and ex-Navy SEAL
  • Nancy Meyer, Publisher and GM, South Florida Sun Sentinel and Orlando Sentinel
  • Dave Scott, Director of Global Marketing, Twitter Business
  • Rahul Sabnis, EVP, Chief Creative Officer, iHeartMedia
  • Meghan Graham, Exec Strategy Director, T Brand Studio, New York Times
  • Lauren Bailey, President and Founder, Factor 8, The Sales Bar, and #GirlsClub
  • Tiara Puglisi, Group Director, Connection Strategy, R/GA
  • Christopher Boon, SVP, Audience Insights, Dstillery and others.

The programming will focus on utilizing the three P’s (Purpose, People, Process) of digital sales transformation. These P’s bring sales and marketing together in order to achieve results and transform businesses.

Featured JumpCon topics include:

  • Purpose: Knowing your brand purpose will help you grow an engaged audience – Topics include: Audience development, Influencer marketing, brand building, the power of company culture and more
  • People: Great people build great brands 
    Topics include: How to build unstoppable teams, lessons from hiring 100 people in 100 days, learn how to learn to expedite employee and company success, and more
  • Process: Proven processes provide predictable profits 
    Topics includeHow to integrate sales and marketing, essential sales and marketing tools, how to find and leverage new channels like voice, streaming radio, PODCasts, how to use search to grow and monetize D2C and publisher/media brands.

“We’re excited to host our first JumpCon conference – the only industry event focused on integrated sales and marketing,” said David Pachter, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman at JumpCrew. “By using technology to bring sales and marketing together, attendees will learn techniques to transform their businesses and achieve tremendous results.”

In addition to the line-up of speakers, conference attendees will have the opportunity to connect with 250+ influential thought leaders in sales and marketing including Directors, VPs, CMOs and CEOs while learning from transformative content. On Wednesday, Oct. 23 prior to the conference, Lauren Bailey founder of #GirlsClub will host a women’s mixer to foster relationships and offer advice on how women can grow to leadership positions in sales and marketing organizations.

Sponsors of the inaugural JumpCon event include Twitter, Salesforce, Dialpad, Outreach.io, Sales Hacker, Ambition, dstillery and beautyblender. To register for JumpCon and to learn more about sponsorship and speaking opportunities, visit www.jumpcrew.com/jumpcon-2019/.

About JumpCrew
JumpCrew integrates digital marketing and sales to accelerate client growth. The company partners with and acquires brands to disrupt, transform and grow. JumpCrew’s solutions combine technology with a human touch. The company works with a growing roster of clients in publishing, healthcare, media, and technology to help them build awareness, increase leads, and convert sales. Headquartered in Nashville, TN, with offices in New York City, San Diego and Kentucky, JumpCrew has been recognized as the #1 best small company to work for in Nashville (2017) and top best places to work in Nashville (2018). For more information, visit https://jumpcrew.com/.

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