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Mobile Apps

JumpCloud announces upcoming Open Directory Platform releases

New device management functionality for Android and iOS and new admin mobile app enhance device and access management at a reduced cost

JumpCloud Inc. today announced several upcoming releases as part of its Open Directory Platform that make hybrid work easier, more secure, and less expensive for IT admins and the users they manage. JumpCloud’s new mobile functionality includes the JumpCloud Admin app and adds Android device management to JumpCloud’s platform at no extra cost, giving IT admins full visibility and control over any type of iOS and Android device within JumpCloud; one platform, all of your devices.

With this release, JumpCloud expands its unified suite of device and identity management capabilities and gives IT admins a more flexible and less costly solution to secure employee access on any trusted device, including:

  • Android and iOS device management for corporate-owned devices (COD) and bring-your-own devices (BYOD).
  • Enhanced employee security with multi-factor authentication (MFA) through JumpCloud Protect™ and JumpCloud Password Manager™ for iOS and Android.
  • The JumpCloud Admin app, a new mobile app for IT admins to manage users from anywhere, at any time, and on any device.

Historically, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have either had limited device management due to outsized costs, or have had to restrict employees’ choice of devices for the sake of simplicity or compliance with the company security policies. With JumpCloud, admins have access to centralized, secure device management for all major operating systems, eliminating costly point solutions while improving visibility and control over mixed device environments.

“JumpCloud’s unified device and identity management capabilities transform how we deliver secure, frictionless access to our employees in a modern, cloud-first, hybrid work environment,” said Ricky Jordan, senior technology manager, Primitive Apparel. “The new Android device management capabilities and admin mobile app are a welcome addition that will enable us to boost our security capabilities while simultaneously lowering our administrative overhead and costs.”

Support for Android Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)

  • Holistic mobile device management: IT can now manage both iOS and Android devices from a single pane of glass.
  • Device inventory: IT teams can view and manage all Android devices that are enrolled in their system, including device type, serial number, and operating system version.
  • Security policies: IT teams can enforce security policies on Android devices, such as requiring passcodes and remote wiping in the event of a lost or stolen device.
  • Application management: IT teams can manage Android app installations, updates, and removals to ensure that only authorized apps are installed on devices.
  • Remote actions: IT teams can remotely lock, locate, and wipe Android devices in the event of a security breach or lost device.
  • Account management: Streamlined account management in the Google Play accounts including enterprise enrollment, provisioning, and lifecycle management.

“Providing Android support has been a top request from our customers, and the addition of Android management reflects JumpCloud’s arrival as a full stack unified endpoint management (UEM) vendor,” said Greg Armanini, vice president of product management, JumpCloud. “This addition to our platform will make it easier for IT teams to manage their entire device fleet, regardless of the device type or operating system, while in compliance with company security policies and respecting end user privacy.”

New Mobile IT Management App

The release also includes the introduction of the JumpCloud Admin app, which offers centralized IT and device management from a single pane of glass.

  • Holistic heterogeneous support: IT can manage users from anywhere, at any time, and on any device with the JumpCloud Admin app.
  • Remote user password management: IT can remotely manage locked out users, including adding, deleting, and resetting passwords.
  • Remote device management: IT can resend activation emails, suspend accounts or change MFA and Security Key settings for devices.
  • Designed with security in mind: The app uses the same encryption and security protocols as JumpCloud’s cloud-based Open Directory Platform, ensuring that all sensitive data is kept secure and that IT admins can manage their devices and users with confidence.

Both iOS and Android support and the JumpCloud Admin app are included for free with all device management plans. Android EMM will be available for all customers in early May, but admins can download the JumpCloud Admin mobile app from Google Play or the Apple Store today.

Additional Resources for IT Admins

  • The Path to Secure Password Management, a whitepaper detailing how hybrid password managers simplify collaboration, let users easily manage passwords across all their devices, and improve IT control and visibility.
  • JumpCloud for MSPs, an overview of how JumpCloud provides MSPs an Open Directory Platform for delivering modern IT services that are identity centric, cloud native, and vendor agnostic.
  • Zero Trust Demystified, a small to medium-sized enterprise’s guide to Zero Trust and actionable tips for successful implementation.
  • JumpCloud Android Enterprise Mobility Management, an overview of the key features and benefits of the JumpCloud Android EMM solution.

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