Digital Marketing

IVM Group Launches Digital Marketing Platform for Insurance Industry

The IVM Group Launches a Digital Marketing Platform to Help Insurance Vendors Connect with More Insurance Companies
online marketing

Just launching last month, the IVM Group ( is ready to make an impact on how sales and marketing are done within the unique vendor space of the insurance industry. Along with their CRM enablement services, the IVM Group launched its digital marketing platform offering comprehensive customized solutions to generate new business with insurance carriers, third party administrators (TPAs), and employers.

“We are now looking at a complete digital sales landscape in a lot of industries right now,” said Drew McGhee, Lead Client Strategist. “With the insurance space previously relying on doing a majority of their business face-to-face, vendors need to begin evolving how they interact with their customers to stay ahead and continue to grow their business, that’s where the IVM Group comes in.”

The IVM Group offers a customized plan for each of its clients guided by their current brand and what they want to grow toward. From lead generation to new client acquisition, the company’s platform offers several services ( with proven success, specifically in the insurance space. They optimize your digital marketing strategy and sales processes to stay engaged with your prospects and current customers through several channels.

Digital marketing begins with knowing your customer and there is no one else that understands the customer in the insurance space better than the IVM Group.

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