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Customer Experience, Service & Success

Iterable releases the results of a new survey

More than 1,200 Marketers Surveyed In the U.S., EMEA, and Australia.

Iterable, the AI-powered customer communications platform, released the results of a new survey conducted by Wakefield Research, revealing the ways AI is transforming marketing roles, strategies, and the customer experience from the perspective of marketing professionals in the U.S., EMEA, and Australia. The data reveals that AI adoption among marketers surpasses our initial expectations; an impressive 99% of marketers surveyed are currently using AI on a daily basis in some capacity, with 91% of marketers currently using AI in their jobs.

“While many marketers have embraced AI, they haven’t yet tapped its full potential. AI offers an incredible opportunity to liberate marketers from operational minutiae and tasks like data analysis and content creation,” said Adriana Gil Miner, Chief Marketing Officer of Iterable. “This frees them up to focus on creativity and crafting unique experiences that bring joy to customers. AI isn’t just about automation; it’s about elevation, unleashing creativity, and amplifying brand voices. The future of marketing lies not in replacing human ingenuity, but in using AI to empower it.”

Analyzing data across geographies, the report reveals that, despite widespread initial adoption of AI, unlocking its full potential requires marketers to explore broader AI applications, have significantly more training, and access better AI solutions.

Heightened Expectations (and Anxieties)

Thanks to the recent and rapid advancements in AI, the marketing landscape has experienced a dramatic transformation. The survey sheds light on the extent to which marketers are actively adopting and experimenting with artificial intelligence, particularly generative AI, on the job (91%). Notably, a substantial majority of marketers (67%) view AI as more than just a tool for efficiency and productivity; they see it as a technological revolution.

However, despite widespread enthusiasm, almost half of marketers (49%) find AI intimidating, citing heightened expectations (54%) and the challenge of meeting new compliance or regulatory standards (49%) as primary sources of this intimidation, and raising concerns among marketing professionals about the necessity of learning AI technology to stay competitive.

A substantial 89% are at least somewhat concerned about the need to acquire AI skills to maintain their value as marketers and 28% are extremely concerned. Surprisingly, only 48% of marketing teams are fully trained, highlighting a noticeable gap between excitement and empowerment in the industry.

Divided Opinions on ROI

Recent and rapid advancements in AI have dramatically reshaped the marketing landscape. While marketing professionals unanimously recognize the ongoing impact of AI on their work and roles, there’s a division of opinion on ROI. The majority (51%) of marketing teams who utilize AI on a daily basis define the ROI of AI as centered around improved efficiency. Additionally, 50% cite enhanced customer relations, 47% highlight more effective data analytics, 46% foresee financial gains, and 42% anticipate AI will increase accuracy in forecasting.

But the ROI of AI doesn’t need to be immediate; in fact, 94% of marketing teams believe their organization is likely to continue to push using AI even if the goals are not met, with the U.S. leading the charge (97%).

The Creative Potential of AI

As customer expectations continue to increase, marketers are turning to AI to address and meet these growing demands. When asked what marketers desire from their new AI capabilities, 39% will deem AI successful if it helps enhance their creativity, 37% want an increase in free time for fulfilling tasks, 37% want to feel they are tech savvy and ahead of the curve, and 32% desire a reduction of stress. AI is as versatile as it is compelling. When asked specifically what types of AI tools would make their jobs (and lives) easier, 57% of marketers surveyed overall chose optimization, 53% chose automation, 50% elected for predictive tools, and 49% pointed to generative AI.

Josh Geiser, Senior Manager of CRM, Lifecycle and Mobile at Redbubble, underscores the creative potential of AI for him and his team in an Iterable case study:

“I’ve experienced firsthand how AI has revolutionized the way I work on a daily basis. But the most exciting benefit of AI is that it gives us more time to daydream. When we can take a lot of that busy work away and let our minds wander, that’s when we come up with our best ideas. Creativity, fueled by these moments of mental freedom, enables us to cultivate richer human connections and explore collaborative opportunities with AI, amplifying our creative potential.”

AI is Just Getting Started

As AI rapidly transforms the marketing landscape, forward-thinking marketers are seizing the opportunity. 75% are optimistic that AI will not only create jobs but also unlock new avenues for growth, such as personalized customer experiences and data-driven campaign optimization. More than a third (37%) see AI as becoming an integral part of their overall skillset as a marketer.

Ready to unlock the power of AI and learn more about the trends shaping the marketing industry? Read the white paper “Less do, more think: How to succeed in the AI-powered marketing era” to explore practical strategies and insights for taking advantage of AI opportunities.

Survey Methodology:

The Iterable survey was conducted by Wakefield Research among 1,200 Professional Marketers with a seniority of manager or director in the U.S., EMEA (UK, Netherlands, Germany), and Australia, between September 6th and September 13th, 2023, using an email invitation and an online survey.

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