
Artificial Intelligence

Interview with CEO, Mailup – Nazzareno Gorni

    “I believe the culture of a responsible and ethical email marketing is what makes a real difference.” 1. … 0

Interview with VP, Head of Business Development, GeistM – Rob Gregg

  “AI is only as good as the programmers who built it, and we’re fortunate enough to have some of the … 0

Interview with CMO, Concured – Michael Brenner

    “The key to us was to build a tool from the ground up that sees data as food … 0
Search Engine Optimization

Interview with CEO and Co-Founder of Optimove – Pini Yakuel

    “The trend we’re seeing is that slowly but surely, customers are becoming a commodity.”   1. Tell us … 0
Interview with , CEO and Co-Founder of TREW Marketing – Wendy Covey

Interview with CEO and Co-Founder of TREW Marketing – Wendy Covey

    “Trust and authenticity are the foundation of marketing that actually impacts sales. ”   1. Tell us about … 0