Business/Customer Intelligence & Data Science

Innovative Solutions starts Enhanced Offerings for AWS Customers

Best in class managed services align to the needs of growing cloud businesses.
data science

Innovative Solutions, a leading Amazon Web Services Premier Consulting Partner, announced today the launch of three new AWS Managed Cloud Services offerings. Unlike alternatives, these offerings are focused on providing customers with choices that fit their business needs as they leverage cloud-based services. Backed by a team of 100% AWS certified cloud experts, small and medium-sized businesses can select the cloud support offering that aligns to their business needs.

Starting today, the three new offerings from Innovative Solutions are:

  • i1: a self-service choice for customers who operate AWS with the help of Innovative’s cloud tooling and emergency 24/7/365 network operations center
  • i3: full-service cloud management for growing businesses, that includes personal account management
  • i5: an all-inclusive full-service offering for cloud-native customers that demand the highest level of service

“Managing a cloud environment is complicated. Our entire business is designed to lessen the burden on the business owner’s shoulders and help them recognize the power of the cloud. Managed Cloud Services are the number one enabler to achieving this goal.” said Justin Copie, CEO of Innovative Solutions. “More businesses have selected AWS than any other cloud provider, and hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses are selecting Innovative Solutions as their partner of choice to help them buy, optimize, and secure their AWS environments in the cloud.”

The three managed service offerings include access to curated technology and tools that are fully integrated into AWS, including:

  • The Innovative iNOC for 24x7x365 support
  • New Relic, for application performance monitoring
  • CloudCheckr, for cost analytics, cost savings and optimization, security, and compliance
  • Cloud Storage Security, for cloud storage antivirus scanning
  • SecureCloudDB, for cloud database security monitoring
  • Skeddly, for cloud automation
  • PagerDuty, for alerting and escalations
  • Emergency cloud engineering support

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