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Inkhouse Names Technology PR Strategist Jason Morris as CEO

Morris succeeds Founder Beth Monaghan who will become Chair of the Orchestra Technology Group; Caps Year of Growth for Leading Technology Strategic Communications Firm

Inkhouse, a strategic communications firm that drives relevance and impact for innovative companies, today announced that 26-year PR industry veteran Jason Morris has been named CEO. Morris, who joined Inkhouse as general manager of its San Francisco office in 2014 and was most recently president of the agency with a focus on growth, succeeds Inkhouse Founder Beth Monaghan. Monaghan will become chair of the Orchestra Technology Group, where she will focus on building an insights-driven integrated approach across capabilities, including PR, content, creative, public affairs, crisis and more. The Technology Group at Orchestra spans across teams, including Inkhouse.

“Over the past 17 years, Inkhouse has become the go-to agency partner for the most innovative clients in technology, especially those in venture capital, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, climate, consumer, deep tech and digital health,” said Monaghan. “Just as importantly, we’ve become champions of a culture-driven business model that relies on team fulfillment, success and tenure as the path to great client service and growth. Jason is as strategic as he is kind. He’s written Inkhouse’s story with me, and I’m confident that he and the rest of our team will write an incredibly meaningful next chapter.”

Co-founded in 2007 by Monaghan, Inkhouse has built a reputation for crafting and communicating emotionally engaging, powerful stories on behalf of some of the world’s most innovative companies. The agency’s approach to designing and executing award-winning PR, digital media and content marketing campaigns, has helped Inkhouse organically grow for the fourth consecutive year even in the face of a technology equity and venture financing market correction in 2022 and 2023. Today, Inkhouse’s clients include leading companies such as Anza Renewables, Cava, Cohesity, Databricks, Eclipse, Ping Identity, ServiceTitan, Tanium and WatchGuard Technologies.

“Technology is our largest practice at Orchestra and today, AI is fueling our business while also changing it. We’re using it to fuel deeper data insights, and to better harness content discovery and engagement,” said Jonathan Rosen, CEO of Orchestra. “Jason has seen the technology industry evolve from e-commerce, to the cloud, clean tech and now AI. His wisdom and energy for what’s next is contagious and I’m excited to work with him as a strategic partner to implement the strategies that will propel the next generation of technology leaders. I am equally excited to share that Beth Monaghan has agreed to take on the role of chair of Orchestra’s Tech Group to focus more intensely on leading the effort to better integrate the work of BerlinRosen tech, Glen Echo Group and Inkhouse.”

“Partnering with Beth over the past decade has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career in agency PR and I couldn’t be more excited to be Inkhouse’s CEO while still getting the opportunity to collaborate with her,” said Morris. “Inkhouse is proof that the key to outstanding client experience is hiring and retaining the best people, and it’s our driven, intellectually curious team that has me so optimistic about the future. With AI disrupting everything and innovation the key to existential challenges like climate and human health, there has never been a more exciting time to work in strategic communications.”

Jason Morris started his career at Schwartz Communications in the late 1990s, working with early pioneers in web development, ecommerce, cybersecurity and mobile. In 2008, recognizing the massive amounts of venture and public financing pouring into companies in solar, wind, biofuels and energy efficiency, Morris launched Schwartz’s climate tech practice which grew to more than two-dozen clients and millions in annual billings. He joined Inkhouse in 2014 to help the agency grow a small outpost in San Francisco into a go-to hub for Silicon Valley-based startups, technology market leaders and venture capital firms. In the ten years since, Morris has grown the west coast team to more than 50 PR, social media, content marketing and visual communications professionals, working with some of the world’s most exciting companies and investors from Series A through IPO and beyond.

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