Sales Automation, Enablement & Intelligence

Incentive Solution’s New Ebook to Improve Sales Channel Visibility

Mark Herbert, CEO of Incentive Solutions, has released a new ebook titled Incentive Strategies to Improve Sales Channel Visibility. The free guide is designed to help suppliers and manufacturers uncover insights about end-users and other channel partners using incentive programs.
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Mark Herbert, President and CEO of Atlanta-based incentive company Incentive Solutions, has released a new strategic guide called Incentive Strategies to Improve Sales Channel Visibility. The guide is available as a PDF file and free to download.

Manufacturers often assume that they must sacrifice direct influence over end-users in exchange for strong relationships with dealers, distributors, or other channel partners. However, advanced technology combined with the motivational force of incentive rewards makes it easier for manufacturers to have both: strong channel partner collaboration and insight into their entire sales channel.

The Incentive Strategies to Improve Sales Channel Visibility guide highlights five actionable strategies:

1.    Reward channel partners for collecting sales and customer data.
2.    Capture channel partner data from an open-enrollment incentive program form.
3.    Use claims submission and verification technology to collect data from warranty registrations, invoices, and other claims documentation.
4.    Integrate incentive program technology with CRM systems and other channel data management platforms.
5.    Leverage the effectiveness of incentive marketing to gather more channel partner data.

As Herbert says, “Your brand success depends on great relationships with your channel partners… Channel incentive strategies work because they fit right into this relationship-based eco-system. You offer something of value to channel partners and end-users in exchange for data and channel visibility. In turn, they receive rewards that have meaning and impact on their lives.”

The Incentive Strategies to Improve Sales Channel Visibility is the latest addition to Incentive Solutions’ library of resources, offered to help B2B companies grow sales and gain competitive advantage using incentive-based strategies.

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