Optimization, Personalization & Testing

Hippo Video integrates with HubSpot, acquires Certified App Status

Hippo Video

Hippo Video, a Gen AI video platform for Go-To-Market (GTM) teams, is proud to announce its integration with HubSpot, a powerhouse customer platform, solidifying its status as a HubSpot Certified App. Hippo Video empowers sales and marketing teams to generate videos at scale using personalized scripts, featuring custom lifelike avatars. This certification highlights Hippo Video’s dedication to revolutionizing video creation.

This integration unlocks the potential for users of both platforms to seamlessly employ automation in video creation directly within HubSpot. By leveraging this advancement, users can effortlessly generate personalized videos tailored to each potential customer from a single master video, significantly enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in content creation and distribution.

Furthermore, HubSpot users gain access to Hippo Video’s cutting-edge features, including Text-to-Video technology and Interactive Human Avatars. These advancements offer users limitless possibilities, transforming their content strategy with dynamic, interactive video content.

With Text-to-Video technology, users can convert static text, presentations, and PDFs into captivating videos featuring hyperrealistic avatars, streamlining video production and enabling the adoption of video-first strategies to amplify outreach campaigns.

Additionally, Hippo Video’s Interactive Human Avatar technology eliminates the complexities of video recording setups. Users can upload their script, select an avatar (or customize their own), and generate stunning videos with a lifelike avatar in minutes. This empowers businesses to scale their video-first campaigns and target thousands of prospects with personalized videos created swiftly from a single video script.

Karthi Mariappan, CEO and Co-founder of Hippo Video, expressed his enthusiasm for this development, stating, “The integration of Hippo Video with HubSpot offers a plethora of benefits for users. From seamlessly enhancing sequences with personalized videos to gaining valuable insights through account-level reports, the possibilities are endless. Customizing follow-up workflows and effortlessly embedding videos into landing pages and email templates has never been simpler—it’s just a few clicks away.”

In essence, the partnership between Hippo Video and HubSpot equips Go-To-Market teams with the tools they need to revolutionize their content strategy and captivate their audience with compelling video content. Get ready to elevate your business game with HubSpot and Hippo Video.

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