Customer Experience, Service & Success

Global Insurance Brand sees Strong AI Business results with Verint Bots

Insurance Brand Increases NPS Score by 97 Percent and Reduces Operating Costs by $6 Million

Verint®, The CX Automation Company™, announced that a global insurance company has reported strong AI business outcomes using multiple bots with the Verint Open Platform.

The global insurance company deployed the Verint Exact Transcription Bot, Verint Coaching Bot and Verint Quality Bot in its contact center operations and reported the following tangible AI business outcomes:

  • Verint Exact Transcription Bot achieved 95 percent call categorization accuracy rate which drove workflow improvements, reducing repeat calls and improving customer journey. As a result, the brand reported their customer NPS (Net Promoter Score) increased by 97 percent.
  • Verint Coaching Bot and Quality Bot reduced policy renewal call duration by over three minutes on average. Because of this, the brand increased agent capacity and saved approximately $6 million on an annual basis. The savings were achieved within the first three months of the Verint Bot deployment.

“Insurance companies are looking to drive up insurance policy renewal rates without increasing the size of their contact center workforce. This is a powerful example of how multiple Verint bots are helping a global insurance brand achieve their objectives,” says Verint’s Daniel Ziv, vice president, go-to-market strategy. “The Verint Open Platform has been deployed by many of the largest insurance companies in the world, delivering strong AI business outcomes for the industry.”

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