
From Insight to Impact: Amazon Data Grows Sales

Albert Scott's™ Amazon Product and Brand Research Is Creating Best Sellers on Amazon
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The most successful Amazon brands are using Amazon “large data” to grow their sales dramatically. Through careful software analysis of this data, new Amazon sales opportunities abound. Here are some of the valuable decisions that can be resolved using Amazon data:

  • Product Pricing: Choosing the right price point based on real-time market data can make big differences in sales volume.
  • Revenue Potential: Understanding a product’s max growth potential at the outset by knowing the size of the category and SKU demand is essential for any successful strategy.
  • Seasonality: Market dips and peaks dictate proper inventory management and the appropriate advertising spend. Storage fees for overstock and wasted ad spend on products without demand severely impact profit.
  • Market Share Assessment: Knowing your product sales as a percentage of the category can guide getting the SKU to the top of the category.
  • Search Engine Traffic Opportunities: With over two million, sizable search terms weekly, you need to know where your product fits.
  • Content Optimization: Examining the catalog content of winning competitive products is invaluable. Albert Scott’s proprietary AI tools can pinpoint exactly what needs to be optimized.
  • Competitor Analysis and Conquest Planning: Knowing your main competitors in a channel that offers 500 million products is pivotal for measuring your own performance.
  • Product Selection Focus: Market data should be the final word on your decisions about which products to focus on and invest in.
  • New Product Launch Guidance: Entering a market is costly and can be wasteful or a home run! Relevant Amazon data can help a seller make informed, strategic decisions.
  • Design for Amazon: Amazon data can identify new product opportunities for winning products.
  • Business Modeling and Profitability Analysis: Making money is challenging on Amazon. Sellers relying on “trial and error” can make make wise decisions with Amazon data.
  • Marketing/Advertising Opportunities: Amazon has many advertising types, like Amazon Creator Connections, My Customer Experience, Streaming TV, etc. Are you using the right ad-marketing types to get maximum value?

Albert Scott is an acclaimed, full-service Amazon™ agency. Clients come to Albert Scott to dramatically grow their brands and product sales.

Albert Scott begins their effort by producing a detailed report which includes:

  • Category Review: A complete picture of the product’s Amazon category. This includes – Total Category Revenue, Average Product Price, the Number of Brands, Sellers and ASINs in the category, Average Reviews, etc.
  • Products in the Category and Competitive Products: For products leading in the category, this includes the Title, ASIN, Brand, Rank, Amazon Buy Box Percentage, Number of Sellers, Estimated Monthly Units Sold, Buy Box Price, Monthly Revenue, Rating and the Number of FBA Sellers.
  • Category Niche Data: This includes Search Volume and Growth over the past year, Number of Top Clicked Products, and the Average Number of Units Sold.
  • Related Niches: The Three Top Search Terms, Search Volume and Search Volume Growth Over 90 and 180 days, Units Sold over the Past 360 days, Top Clicked Products, Average Product Price (USD), Min/Max prices and the Return Rate.
  • Search Term Activity: For each popular Search Term, Search Volume and Growth over Ninety and 180 Days, Click-Share and Search Conversion Over the Past Year, and the ASINs and the Top Three Clicked Products.
  • Seasonality: For the category, shows Search Volume and Conversion Rate by month for the last year.
  • Review Data: Positive and Negative Topics Mentioned for the top 25% of the products for the category.

You can see a client’s sample report here (released with permission).

If you have a brand selling on Amazon today, we will gladly create an Amazon Product Research Report for you at no-charge. Contact Yoni at (347) 388-9725 or email for your free research report.

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