Like we humans, even brands have a certain story, some history, their unique personality, and relationships. These relationships are with the customers and are based on experiences that witness with a particular brand. Thus, specialists emphasize that organizations should make all touchpoints useful by developing a profitable relationship with the target audience. One method to do this is by organizing events. So, it is important to learn about experiential marketing trends in both B2B and B2C industries martech news.
Also, as we entered the digital age, marketing professionals blended virtual and physical experiences. The rise of the best event management platform has helped them handle high-impact events smoother. Thus, we have seen highly-engaging event promotions and highly-creative stunts in the previous decade.
Here, we will be discussing how marketers blend art, digital technologies, psychology, and product placement in making these unique experiences. This way, it is easier for you to build your experiential marketing campaigns.
All thanks to digital technology, the future of experiential marketing is looking bright. However, experiential marketing is not only about all advantages. At its soul, it tries to endear a brand to its customers, to sear a positive experience into their mind including emotions, and to build a long-lasting, positive relationship.
Additionally, it is through live physical events that individuals get to understand products and offerings better. According to research, 65% of customers state that demos and live events help them in understanding products better than any other method. Furthermore, reports also show that 85% of customers are more likely to buy products after participating in brand-curated experiences and events.
Even marketing professionals find this type of strategy to be more successful than others. The study also shows that the majority of B2B firms, that is 75% find experiential marketing to be more successful than other tactics in the industry. It is a divulge that experiential marketing has a huge impact on customer acquisition and can play a key role in optimizing the performance of a company. So let us have a look at the upcoming experiential marketing trends.
- Art Installations
One of the best methods to capture and sustain the attention of the audience is through art installations and experiential marketers know this. One of the most successful art installations was built by the people behind cloudy with a chance of meatballs. If you have watched the trailer or the movie, you would recollect that some sort of science experiment resulted in the raining of food or something like that from the cloud. So, people in the cartoon would see almost all types of food falling from the sky.
To promote the film, they used an experiential marketing campaign. They created big art installations of food sculptures that looked like they are falling from the sky. You would find an ice cream sculpture that looked like it scoop-first cone-up fell to the sidewalk. There were many such sculptures installed and they surely grabbed the attention of the trespassers. Of course, there were signs made to let people know that all this was about a movie.
Many people love art installations and in the era of social media, they become a point of attraction for online audiences and start floating all over the internet. Thus, building a well-designed art installation becomes important, to accelerate the reach of your campaign through social media. It can give you engagement as well as conversion. This relatively old trend is still going pretty strong.
- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
AR (Augmented reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) technologies make things quite immersive. Gamers use them, and even designers now put them under their utilization. These technologies make it easier for individuals to imagine possibilities and try them safely in simulated environments. Organizations use them for training employees as well. Above all, they are popular with experiential marketing professionals too.
These new technologies offer a new way of experiencing the world. Hence, they are a perfect tool for companies to leverage for making unique, meaningful and shareable experiences.
- Experience Mapping
Experiential marketing builds powerful connections between brands and customers via numerous touchpoints. But when all the touchpoints connect and relate to each other, that associates with an immersive brand story. Developing an experience map allows marketing professionals to understand how customers will perceive and interact with every touchpoint within the activation. By putting themselves in the shoes of the customer and considering almost everything from the entrance design to sensory aspects to messaging and more, marketing professionals will be able to better evaluate the journey of the audience and turn good stories into great ones.
It is always good to see which trends stay and which ones get misfired. With the growing impact on the audience, it is important for marketers to keep a track of the latest experiential marketing trends to ensure they stay ahead in the game.
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Chandrima Samanta
Content-Editor at MartechCube
Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.