Customer Experience, Service & Success

Dr. Theresa Szczurek Innovates Customer Interaction at Radish Systems

Theresa Szczurek

Join Karla Jo Helms on the Disruption Interruption podcast as she interviews Dr. Theresa Szczurek, Co-founder and COO of Radish Systems, about their groundbreaking ChoiceView platform. This innovative solution integrates voice and visual interactions to revolutionize call centers, enhancing customer experience with richer, more engaging communications.

Modern contact centers are the frontline between companies and customers, delivering timely support, enhancing satisfaction, and driving continuous improvement.  They play a key role and face the challenge of continuously adapting to technological advances, changing consumer behaviors, and evolving regulations. Under the leadership of Dr. Theresa Szczurek, Radish Systems is pioneering this revolution through the integration of voice and visual interactions. “By combining these two elements, we can increase understanding, recall, and retention by up to 600%,” she states. In this conversation witchh Karla Jo Helms (KJ), host of the Disruption Interruption podcast, the esteemed tech entrepreneur highlights: “Our goal is to improve the customer experience by making interactions more engaging and efficient.”

Transforming Customer Communication with ChoiceView

Visual communication capitalizes on the brain’s rapid processing of images, which occurs 60,000 times faster than text, with 90% of information transmitted to the brain being visual. This approach enhances concept processing, message clarity, and overall communication effectiveness.

That is why Dr. Szczurek’s innovative spirit has led Radish Systems to introduce the concept of Visual Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems and Visual Live Agent interactions in the form of ChoiceView. ChoiceView enables businesses to provide visual information alongside voice calls, allowing users to see images, graphics, and text on their devices during phone conversations.

“Imagine calling a contact center and not only speaking with a representative but also receiving visual information that can be seen and interacted with in real time. This is the future of customer communication,” Dr. Szczurek explains.

Radish Systems has made significant impacts in both public and private sectors as well as in several industries such as healthcare, financial services, telecommunications and more. For instance, they collaborated with Mile High United Way to enhance the 211 service, enabling people to find shelters quickly via smartphone during emergencies. In the private sector, Radish Systems improved customer service for a major toy manufacturer during peak seasons, utilizing their technology to gather valuable feedback and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Innovative Solutions for the Growing Contact Center Market

As the contact center market continues to grow, with billions of dollars at stake, the need for innovative solutions is more critical than ever. “Companies are trying to be more efficient and decrease costs, but they also need to ensure a positive customer experience,” Dr. Szczurek states. “Our technology helps achieve both by reducing average handle time, improving first call resolution rates, and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.”

Radish Systems’ journey from its early days to its current position as an industry leader underscores the importance of innovation and resilience. “Innovators often see needs long before the technology exists to address them. When technology catches up, it’s an opportunity to create new ventures and drive change,” noted Dr. Szczurek.

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