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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Solutions Provider Artur’In Secures €42 Million

PSG to invest in fast-growing provider of automated marketing solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Artur’In’s AI-powered platform automatically generates content and manages marketing channels for local businesses
digital marketing

Artur’In, a France-based automated digital marketing solutions provider for local businesses, has secured €42 million in funding from PSG, a leading growth equity firm that focuses on partnering with middle-market software and technology-enabled services companies. PSG will partner with Artur’In to accelerate its growth, support the ongoing development of Artur’In’s digital solutions and drive the company’s expansion into new sectors and geographies, both organically and via M&A.

Artur’In was established in 2016 with the mission to help local businesses thrive in their digital presence and communication. Over the past five years, the company has grown from its founding team of seven co-founders to over 140 employees in France, the US and Ukraine, serving more than 3,000 customers across sectors including real estate, automotive, insurance and accounting.

Artur’In’s AI-powered solution helps SMEs build and improve their local online visibility by automating their digital marketing, allowing business owners and managers to focus on growing their core businesses. The platform has the ability to automatically create and publish content, including social media posts and newsletters, run online advertising campaigns and manage customers’ broader digital presence across channels, including Google My Business.

PSG’s partnership with Artur’In aims to bolster the development of the company’s AI-powered digital marketing management platform, building out new tools and features. The partnership also aims to drive Artur’In’s growth into new geographies and sectors, including HR and food and beverage, both organically and via strategic M&A activity. Artur’In is expected to benefit from the support of PSG’s dedicated portfolio operations team which will work closely with the founding management team going forward.

Dany Rammal, Managing Director and Head of PSG Europe, said, “In our view, Artur’In’s technology offers a one-stop shop to help SMEs develop their digital marketing function, which is crucial to customer acquisition and growth. Furthermore, we believe the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of communicating with customers via digital channels, particularly for local businesses.”

“We believe that the quality of Artur’In’s product and the market make it well-positioned for future growth and we’re excited to partner with the founding team of Artur’In,” added Romain Railhac, Director at PSG Europe.

“We are thrilled to have found the right partners in PSG to support our continued growth,” added Dan Sefarty, CEO of Artur’In. “We believe that we have created a product that allows local businesses to focus on what they do best – serving their clients, safe in the knowledge that their marketing function is taken care of.”

Following the transaction, Artur’In will continue to be led by its founding management team. French early-stage investor Ventech, who has been backing the Company since 2018, will also retain its existing stake.

“We believe the Artur’In team is set up to manage a fast-growing company and that PSG will be a great partner to help us scale by combining organic and external growth,” concludes Alain Caffi, Founding Partner at Ventech.

Notes to Editors


PSG is a growth equity firm that partners with middle-market software and technology-enabled services companies to help them navigate transformational growth, capitalize on strategic opportunities and build strong teams. Having backed more than 65 companies and facilitated over 300 add-on acquisitions, PSG brings extensive investment experience, deep expertise in software and technology, and a firm commitment to collaborating with management teams. Founded in 2014, PSG operates out of offices in Boston, Kansas City and London. https://www.psgequity.com/


In this fast-changing and connected world, Artur’In’s mission is to make digital marketing accessible to all local businesses. Artur’In provides SMEs with a one-stop shop digital marketing solution to boost local visibility and customer acquisition via digital communication channels. Artur’In was founded in 2016 by a team of seven experienced entrepreneurs. Across locations in France, the US and Ukraine, the Artur’In team has grown to more than 140 people within five years. https://www.arturin.com


Ventech is a global, early-stage venture capital firm focused on accelerating digital disruption by partnering with daring entrepreneurs from day one through to multibillion-dollar exit. With its dual structure platform, Ventech manages €700m with dedicated funds for Europe, with offices in Paris, Munich, Berlin & Helsinki, and Asia, across locations in Shanghai and Hong Kong. Since its founding in 1998, Ventech has made more than 200 investments and over 90 exits, including 20+ IPOs on the Euronext & NASDAQ exchanges. https://www.ventechvc.com/

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