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Display & Programmatic Advertising

Digital Marketing Agency Announces Key Leadership Appointments

Leading NYC Digital Agency Able to Persevere During Pandemic, While Maintaining Headcount, Promoting From Within, Making Strategic New Hires
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Ready Set Rocket (RSR), a New York City-based digital marketing agency committed to connecting brands and consumers through innovative multi-channel experiences, today announces three new key leadership appointments, promoting Kitty Tsang to Partner, and naming Danielle Robles as Creative Director, and David Scholla as Paid Media Director.

Tsang is one of Ready Set Rocket’s earliest and longest-tenured employees, began working at the agency in 2012 first as an intern, and then working through every single level of the firm before being named Partner. In her new role as Partner, Tsang is charged with further strengthening and scaling the agency’s data and digital marketing capabilities. As a cross-functional digital marketer, Tsang leads a team that drives growth, data transformation, and digital innovation for brands and organizations. Tsang’s clients have included the American Museum of Natural History, Sweetgreen, Sakara Life, Industry City, Ford Foundation, Michael Kors, Blackstone, and Univision. Other Partners at Ready Set Rocket include agency Co-Founder & Principal Aaron Harvey, Co-Founder & Chief Strategist Alex Lirtsman, and President Lauren Nutt Bello.

“Over the past eight years, Kitty has grown into a true industry leader, bringing deep expertise in digital marketing, analytics and media to clients across industry verticals,” said Lirtsman. “Kitty is the embodiment of everything RSR stands for. She’s been a driving force behind the growth of our strategic capabilities and has made her mark on the businesses of countless clients. I have no doubt her unique perspectives will bring a tremendous amount of value to the partnership.”

“As fast as the industry changes, it’s important we don’t lose sight of what matters most: making human connections between brands and people. In my role, I’ll continue to keep accelerating the relationship between data, strategy, and the customer experience,” said Tsang.

Robles joins Ready Set Rocket as its new Creative Director and responsible for overseeing and driving the agency’s content and copywriting efforts. Robles brings to Ready Set Rocket close to a decade of experience in content strategy, copywriting, and branding. Robles has worked with some of the most coveted brands in fashion, beauty, health & wellness, consumer electronics like L’Oréal Group, LVMH, Samsung, and ClassPass. Before Ready Set Rocket, Robles was Head of Global Content, Creative & Brand Strategy at Octoly, and creative directed all of the agency’s global content and cultivated brand voice, tone, personality, and copy across all marketing channels. Before Octoly, Robles was Creative Content Manager at ELLE Magazine, where she oversaw copy and content for branded and custom programs, produced photo and video shoots, and led the title’s Influencer Marketing Program.

“In today’s world, connecting a brand’s mission to its messaging across consumer touchpoints is critical. That’s why Danielle’s expertise in building cross-channel communications strategies is key to scaling and evolving the agency’s campaign, content, and media work,” said Lirtsman.

“I have always been incredibly inspired by the thought leadership that RSR brings to every project. I’m excited to bring a fresh perspective on storytelling and strategy alongside such an amazingly talented team—and to create impactful work for our breadth of clients,” said Robles.

Scholla joins Ready Set Rocket as Paid Media Director and is responsible for handling the day-to-day management of multiple paid search accounts and developing and implementing PPC strategies, managing budgets and bids, optimizing account configurations and targeting, and client reporting. Before Ready Set Rocket, Scholla was Paid Media Director at VaynerMedia and worked on leading brands like Mondelez North America, Scotts Miracle-Gro, JP Morgan Chase, Toyota. Previous to VaynerMedia, Scholla was Data Manager at Zenith, managed data and technology partnerships for Verizon, and led measurement strategy across programmatic data executions.

“David is a proven leader in growth marketing strategies for startups and Fortune 100 companies. We’re excited to work with David to scale our paid media and performance marketing capabilities, integrate with strategy and creative teams, and further enhance our ability to drive business outcomes for our clients,” said Tsang.

“I’ve been truly impressed by the agency’s strategic approach to media and media attribution. I’m excited to work alongside an award-winning creative team to develop high impact work for our clients,” said Scholla.

During these unprecedented times during the COVID-19 pandemic, when other agencies have had to reduce headcount, RSR has been able to maintain operations unimpeded due to the leadership of the agency management team. RSR signed leading beauty brand Estee Lauder to support the growth of its Lab Series and Prescriptives businesses, directed the launch of the Ranpak Box Better™ campaign, and also the new professional sports league Athletes Unlimited, where athletes are decision-makers and individual players are champions of team sports.

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