Data Analytics

Data Anlalytics Company SpringML achieved Security Specialization

data analytics

SpringML, Inc. (“SpringML”), a leader in machine learning and advanced data analytics services, is proud to announce that it has achieved the Security Specialization in Google Cloud Partner Advantage. By earning the Partner Specialization, SpringML has proven their expertise and success in building customer solutions in the Security field using Google Cloud technology.

Partners with this specialization have demonstrated significant success securing customer infrastructure and workflows to Google Cloud. Areas of expertise for SpringML include data encryption management, identifying and masking confidential data, role based access control and network security access to data for internal and external users – all critical components to help lay a secure foundation for data driven transformation.

“We’re pleased that SpringML has achieved the Security Specialization in the Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program,” said Nina Harding, Chief of Global Partner Programs & Strategy at Google Cloud. “Acquiring this specialization is evidence of SpringML’s expertise in building security infrastructure solutions and their continued commitment to helping our customers throughout their digital transformations.”

“SpringML is an agent of change to help enterprises rapidly deploy data-driven digital transformation projects,” said Girish Reddy, CTO of SpringML. “Using Google Cloud tools, we can ensure that security and privacy compliance are maintained at the highest levels throughout a project implementation.”

As enterprises look for new ways to engage with customers, providing creative digital experiences is key. SpringML’s portfolio showcases its ability to deliver data-driven digital transformation projects having built  applications for enterprises with an agile, iterative, and incremental delivery model.

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