Content Marketing

Content Marketing Company Offers social activism roadmap

To accelerate social activism, its software platform is also being offered free of charge to non-profit organizations.
content marketing

Growing expectations from both customers and employees have led to brands coming forward to confront issues of public policy and social justice. Bold leadership can no longer be limited to a company’s core business.

In response to this surge in CEO activism, PowerPublish has created an in-depth ebook titled Brand Activism and the art of standing up for something. This guides company CEOs and marketing managers through the process of developing a successful and meaningful social stance.

PowerPublish also offers an innovative software platform for brands to actively monitor and communicate on social issues.

“PowerPublish is in the business of building communities and building movements for brand marketers through relevant and powerful content. The very least we can do is leverage our platform to help modern brands shine a spotlight on social reform,” said Dan Curran, president of PowerPublish.

The technology offered by PowerPublish allows brands to rapidly respond to social events and publish relevant content in real-time. It can also monitor breaking news and competitor actions. It replaces improvised responses with thoughtful and coordinated messaging, allowing marketeers to address social issues in their social media posts.

“Ad hoc responses to social issues are no longer acceptable to customers and employees,” added Curran.

PowerPublish knows that words are not enough and is working closely with non-profit organizations on a variety of issues from mental illness, to gun violence and race relations. As a means of giving these often unheard voices the same opportunities as global businesses, the company is offering a free subscription to its software for all non-profit organizations.

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