iPaaS, Cloud/Data Integration & Tag Management

Celigo announces findings of study conducted by Forrester Consulting

Data report by independent research firm shows 36% of over 400 respondents are transforming and reimagining digital business strategies
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Celigo, the leading enterprise-wide Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) for the mid-market, today announced the findings of its commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting. The study surveyed 413 global IT and finance decision-makers to evaluate the impact of using an advanced iPaaS on a business.

Digital transformation has accelerated exponentially, allowing virtually every company to reach a baseline of digital maturity,” said Mark Simon, Vice President of Strategy at Celigo. “As we enter the Post-Digital era, companies must leverage an advanced iPaaS to drive their automation strategy and ensure complete visibility to make real-time decisions.”

According to the report, mid-market companies that successfully evolve their digital technologies, people and processes with advanced iPaaS solutions win in this new environment against more established and better-funded competitors. The report also found it’s not just possible but practical to use iPaaS to support B2B and analytics use cases that enable consolidating integration technology.

Additional key findings include:

  • Organizations that don’t have iPaaS struggle with data management.
    • Two out of three respondents from organizations that don’t have iPaaS said lack of visibility into the data needed to make real-time decisions (67%) and a lack of data integrity due to manual data entry, delays, incompleteness and errors (65%) are major challenges of their firms’ current SaaS landscapes.
  • The need to move beyond basic automation and get to a level of smart, data-driven automation strategy is a priority for organizations
    • 76% of respondents said the top priority for organizations this year is to innovate business processes.
    • Other priorities include modernizing data warehouses (74%), followed by increasing process automation (72%).
  • Key requirements for advanced iPaaS solutions to bring companies into the post-digital age include:
    • 64% of respondents said an iPaaS solution must equip each employee with the tools and skills to build and deploy business process automation where needed.
    • 46% said using an advanced iPaaS solution would give their organization a meaningful starting point for IT and non-IT users to automate business processes.

“To empower teams across the enterprise, we have to look at the processes holistically,” continued Simon. “When the proper technology is in place, like an iPaaS, companies can grow faster, reduce operational costs, and improve the customer experience.”

For more information and to download the study, please visit here. To learn more about how Celigo can automate your company’s end-to-end business processes, visit www.celigo.com.

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