
CampfireSocial Launches IGNITE!

Software that strengthens industry relationships between exhibitors, sponsors, and event organizers via private networking platform

Today, CampfireSocial, a private professional network designed for member-based or attendee-driven organizations to form meaningful connections, launched IGNITE! – an Exhibitor-Only Professional Network. Utilizing CampfireSocial technology, IGNITE! streamlines the engagement experience for exhibitors, industry partners, and sponsors so they can network amongst peers directly, form strategic partnerships, identify other companies for cross-collaboration opportunities or joint responses to RFPs, establish referral relationships, and more.

“Exhibitors attend events to convert attendees into buyers, but they also attend to form strategic partnerships with fellow exhibitors for lead generation and cross-collaboration opportunities,” said Erica Bishaf, Founder and CEO, CampfireSocial. “The time is now to provide a year-round solution that allows our most valuable industry partners to cultivate these relationships, and IGNITE! is that platform.”

CampfireSocial provides advanced data and analytics to an organization via a combined social media and e-commerce interface that generates continual stakeholder engagement. Leveraging this platform design, IGNITE! provides exhibitors and sponsors with:

  • Curated suggestions of the most valued strategic partners
  • Monthly onboarding webinars
  • Opportunities to search for partners to complement their business
  • Groups dedicated to their needs
  • A home to maintain relationships cultivated during events
  • Daily engagement with fellow industry professionals
  • Custom educational content

“The IGNITE! product is what many of us who exhibit at trade shows have always needed,” added Brian Arnone, Lead Advisor to EventHub. “It eliminates the noise and keeps us focused on meeting and working with our partners to bring complementary solutions to our clients.”

For more information on how CampfireSocial provides better engagement & data for organizations, and to learn more about IGNITE!, visit

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