
Basis Technologies Selects Ocient for Hyperscale Data Analysis

Ocient enables Basis Technologies to consolidate 10 workloads on a single cluster while decreasing time to query from 24 hours to minutes or less
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Ocient, the leading hyperscale data analytics solutions company serving organizations that derive value from analyzing trillions of data records in interactive time, today announced it was selected as the next-generation campaign forecasting, inventory analysis, and bid shading solution by Basis Technologies, a leading provider of cloud-based workflow automation and business intelligence software for marketing and advertising functions within enterprises.

With 30 billion auction records, over 100 billion rows in the system, and over 5 trillion data points in some columns, Basis Technologies wanted to increase the data resolution of its campaign forecasting and inventory analysis offerings but found it too expensive to scale within its current solution. The company also couldn’t run a full slate of complex queries across multiple areas of inquiry in its NoSQL environment. Basis Technologies needed to cost-effectively simplify its data management and analysis ecosystem by consolidating workloads on a single platform. This required a highly performant system, the ability to manage multiple mixed workloads concurrently, and the ability to transform and load complex semi-structured data in near real-time.

Ocient’s expert data engineering team delivered a production-ready solution with the inclusion of new, innovative features supporting the co-location of 10+ complex, mixed workloads, and a new state-of-the-art transformation and streaming engine with little to no operational effort required from Basis Technologies. Ocient’s consultative customer engagement model for solution design, testing, implementation, and validation in a production environment enabled Basis Technologies to deploy a comprehensive solution that doubled the sample size of its data and added several workloads to serve multiple lines of business from the same platform including data science, forecasting, and platform operations teams. Basis Technologies was therefore able to grow its data analytics capabilities significantly while simultaneously reducing system costs by 30%.

“Working on a new deployment at this level of scale and complexity is risky. It demands trust and confidence, and a high level of specialized expertise, which the Ocient team has in spades,” said Michael Freiman, CTO of Basis Technologies. “Ocient partnered closely with us and continues to provide the highest level of service for our business.”

The Ocient solution addresses campaign forecasting, bid shading, and inventory analysis. Campaign performance analysis over tens of billions of bids can now be done in interactive time, and complex query runtimes were drastically reduced. Jobs that formerly took more than 24 hours now finish in minutes with a simple SQL query. The flexibility of running SQL on the raw bid opportunity data enabled previously infeasible workloads. The company is currently evaluating opportunities to consolidate additional workloads and deploy into a public cloud environment.

“It is an honor and pleasure to unlock formerly infeasible capabilities for our customers, helping them to better serve their own customers and unleash opportunities to explore additional pathways to insights and solutions from their data,” said Chris Gladwin, Ocient co-founder and CEO. “Ocient accelerates the impact and transformational value of hyperscale data analysis in interactive time. We are thrilled to see our hyperscale adtech solution delivering new business value for Basis Technologies across so many aspects of their organization.”

Ocient’s hyperscale data analytics solutions streamline the data path across rapid and continuous transformation, loading, storage, and analysis at petabyte scale, enabling adtech firms to sample more data faster while simultaneously cutting costs. A key value for organizations working with Ocient is the deployment of a complete hyperscale data solution, from ingest to insights, without the resource-intensive customization required to engineer a solution internally.

Tune into Ocient’s YouTube channel on Thursday, March 31st at 10 a.m. EDT to learn more about Ocient and Basis Technologies’ work together, and visit Ocient’s website or reach out to to schedule a demo of Ocient’s hyperscale data analytics solutions.

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