Customer Data Platform

Ashley Stewart Selects Amperity Customer Data Platform’s Full Stack

Amperity enables the plus-size women's clothing company to seamlessly transition operations into the new data landscape
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Amperity, the leading customer data platform (CDP) for consumer brands, today announced that Ashley Stewart, the American plus-size fashion retailer and lifestyle brand, has implemented Amperity’s Customer Data Platform into its existing IT, customer service, and marketing operations. This seamless integration supports the company’s current campaign strategy and builds predictive models which identify new use cases for customer data.

The unified database of customers, created using Amperity’s customer data and identity platform, will enable Ashley Stewart to engage more deeply with new and existing customers and develop elevated customer service and brand loyalty. Given the company’s significant e-commerce presence, this partnership will further enhance Ashley Stewart’s marketing and digital strategies, including email, social, and SMS campaigns targeting customers at every stage of the marketing lifecycle.

“Ashley Stewart’s omnichannel approach to sales meant that our existing marketing operations were already present across email, social, SMS, search, direct mail, and customer service,” said Liz White, chief customer officer at Ashley Stewart. “By building out our Amp360 customer database, we now have a more complete and accurate view of customer behavior across all touchpoints, improved analytics, as well as point and click activation across our marketing channels.”

Expanding and enhancing the use of customer data
Amperity’s platform ingests raw customer data across various databases, using machine learning to resolve identities even when records lack unique identifiers across systems. The result is unified and centralized customer databases from online and offline transactions, loyalty programs, email interactions, finance systems, etc., enabling its partners to efficiently deploy customer data for targeting, suppression, analytics, customer service, regulatory compliance, and more.

“Ashley Stewart is a brand that fully embraces the modern e-commerce model,” said Kabir Shahani, CEO, and co-founder of Amperity. “Amperity is providing the company with the tools necessary to better understand its customers’ interests and develop analytics to predict their intent – data and insights that are critical to success in a rapidly changing economy.”

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