Digital Marketing

ASGN Releases 2022 Environmental Social Governance Report


ASGN Incorporated (NYSE: ASGN), a leading provider of IT services and professional solutions, including technology and creative digital marketing, across the commercial and government sectors, today announced the release of its fourth annual Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Report.

“ASGN continued to make significant progress against our environment, social and governance priorities this past year,” said Ted Hanson, ASGN’s Chief Executive Officer. “In the past year, we achieved several key accomplishments, including reaching over 40 percent diversity in senior-level executive positions well ahead of our 2025 goal; adhering to the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification framework Company-wide; officially establishing a Carbon Emissions Reduction Plan; and becoming a signatory of the Science Based Target Initiative. Along those lines, in 2022, we continued to work toward our goal of reducing our carbon emissions by 55 percent per internal employee from our 2019 baseline by 2030.”

Mr. Hanson continued, “As is evident from these accomplishments, we’ve made great advancements since we embarked upon our ESG journey. This, however, is only the beginning. Going forward, we remain committed to engaging our stakeholders and will work toward maintaining those accomplishments already achieved, while also striving to reach new goals. In 2023, we commit to developing a Sustainable Supply Chain Program, continuing to execute on strategic digital initiatives, including that of advanced business systems and innovative AI/ML applications, and enhancing our overall security posture. ASGN is well positioned to continue on our path toward a responsible and sustainable future.”

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