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Marketing Automation

Amperity Delivers a Truly Comprehensive 360 Customer View with Next-Generation Platform

Leading global customers including Alaska Airlines, Starbucks, Gap Inc, Planet Fitness, Moët Hennessy USA, and Wynn Las Vegas now have a better, faster, smarter way to use data to serve their customers
Amperity Delivers a Truly Comprehensive 360 Customer View with Next-Generation Platform

Amperity, the leading Customer Data Management platform, today announced the next iteration of its best-in-class solution to help brands connect and use data to power customer 360 initiatives across their organizations. With this new release, companies will gain a truly comprehensive and actionable customer view, helping them put customers at the center of everything they do, with the goal of understanding, engaging, and providing personalized experiences.

Through AI, the Amperity platform enables brands to unlock critical customer datasets that have historically been inaccessible and impossible to manage and unify, delivering a rich Customer 360 database complete with identities, attributes, and insights. Marketers, analysts, and customer experience specialists can then leverage their Customer 360 by directly building segments and delivering them downstream, or by using Amperity to hydrate any other tool with complete customer information. Amperity provides the highest quality customer views, improving marketing performance, fueling accurate insights, and unlocking new personalized customer experiences.

This new release gives platform users greater confidence in the accuracy of their data and a richer understanding of their customers. Enhancements to the new Amperity platform include a more intelligent data unification engine, increased speed and scalability, greater control within the segmentation experience, new ways to ingest and deliver data downstream, and greater transparency and insights.

“We built the platform to solve the chronic and pervasive data problem plaguing brands today,” said Chris Jones, Chief Product Officer of Amperity. “Companies have the building blocks for world-class customer experiences, but they fail to deliver because they lack true customer 360 views they can use across the business. To serve the customer, you can’t ignore key datasets or personalize in single channels. You need to bring together all your data — online and offline — and use it to understand and engage your customers as individuals, but effectively managing and unifying data from a variety of systems ends up being a Herculean task. We built Amperity to solve this problem in an entirely new way, leveraging AI and cloud infrastructure to turn data management on its head.”

Building a Truly Comprehensive 360 Customer View  

Amperity is the only platform that allows brands to build a truly complete customer profile that’s fast and easy to implement, and flexible as systems and use cases change. The platform ingests data raw in its native format, eliminating the need for data prep or transformation before entering the system, accelerating speed to value.

Leveraging Amperity’s proprietary AI-powered customer data engine, “Stitch” finds the hidden connections between records that would otherwise be impossible to resolve and unifies them at the individual level. The result is comprehensive 360 customer profiles that include identities, interactions, attributes, and transactions across point-of-sale, eCommerce, email, loyalty, mobile, and more — even when the source data is inconsistent and lacks linking keys across systems.

The Amperity platform also introduces a new Customer 360 visualization solution that enables users to easily see and understand the details of their customer databases. This view showcases insights such as lifetime value, product affinity, loyalty status, and health metrics on the completeness of profile attributes across systems. This gives business stakeholders a richer understanding of the data they have available to them for segmentation and delivery downstream — a critical component to effectively using that data to serve the customer.

Executing a Customer 360 Strategy

Amperity is designed for speed to value, building on existing investments and scaling for the future. The platform easily connects to any existing technology and is flexible when those systems change.

The new Amperity is optimized to give marketers, analysts, and customer experience specialists an easy yet powerful way to use data to serve their customers. New features include SQL shortcuts and an improved visual editor, putting customer profiles with current and predictive insights alongside transaction and interaction data, so users can build granular and effective segments. The platform also introduces a host of new integrations with downstream tools such as Snowflake, Azure, Microsoft Dynamics, Listrak, Facebook, Google Ads, as well as custom integrations with any existing systems.

Jones continues, “Since we launched Amperity less than two years ago, we’ve secured some of the world’s leading consumer brands as customers including GAP Inc., Starbucks, TGI Fridays, Wynn Las Vegas, and Alaska Airlines, to name a few. We’re delivering a better, faster, and smarter Customer 360 experience for our customers so they can better serve theirs.”

“We chose Amperity because the platform enables us to build a more comprehensive customer view than any other platform on the market,” said Michael Relich, COO at Lucky Brand. “This is the first step in building a holistic and actionable understanding of our customers, and the foundation for best-in-class personalization and customer experiences.”

“With Amperity, Fridays is able to pull in data from point-of-sale systems, social media, credit card transactions and mobile devices, and analyze it to create personalized campaigns for the pool of more than 4 million guests who have given Fridays permission to contact them directly,” said Sherif Mityas, Chief Experience Officer, TGI Fridays. “Amperity then helps us stitch all of that disparate data together to power our world-class customer experiences.”


About Amperity

Amperity is revolutionizing the way companies connect and use their customer data, helping them identify, understand, and serve their customers. Amperity’s unique technology applies artificial intelligence to deliver a truly comprehensive and actionable view of the customer. This view improves marketing performance, fuels accurate customer insights, and enables world-class customer experiences. With Amperity, technical teams are freed from endless integration and data management, and business teams have direct access to the comprehensive data they need to build long-term customer loyalty and drive growth. Amperity serves many of the world’s most loved brands, including Alaska Airlines, Starbucks, Gap Inc, Moët Hennessy USA, Wynn Las Vegas, Kendra Scott, Lucky Brand, Sounders, Stanley, and many more.

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