Chatbots, Conversational AI

AI is here to stay: Marketing Must Adopt or Get Left Behind

Global research and advisory firm Info-Tech Research Group's latest industry blueprint offers marketers a roadmap to successfully integrate AI into their strategies. The research focuses on selecting high-value AI initiatives that organizations are ready to implement, helping marketers drive revenue, reduce costs, and enhance operational efficiencies. By offering a clear guide on how to navigate the complexities of AI, the new resource will help marketing professionals transform the perceived challenges associated with AI into golden opportunities for business growth.
business landscape

As AI continues to reshape the business landscape, marketers face many challenges and opportunities, from integrating the most impactful AI strategies to aligning them seamlessly with overarching business objectives. To equip marketers with insights and tools to fully harness AI, Info-Tech Research Group has published its latest blueprint, Capitalizing on AIThis research-backed blueprint will guide marketers through the complexities of AI adoption, enabling innovation and driving sustained success in a fiercely competitive marketplace.

“AI is fundamentally reshaping the roles of CMOs, sales leaders, and heads of customer success. In fact, that change has already started to happen,” says Terra Higginson, MBA, principal research director at Info-Tech Research Group. “With many organizations using some form of AI, failing to act swiftly in the face of this monumental change could lead to lost opportunities and revenue. Those who continue to delay adoption may lose market share and revenue.”

The firm’s research outlines some of the hurdles marketers can encounter when selecting and implementing AI initiatives, such as gaps in technical expertise or resistance toward AI technology. However, despite these challenges, the advantages of AI in streamlining marketing tasks are significant. Info-Tech’s blueprint advises marketing leaders to evaluate AI applications based on their potential value and the organization’s readiness to adopt them. By prioritizing AI initiatives with the highest value and readiness, marketers can effectively implement these technologies across marketing, sales, and customer success functions.

“Many marketing leaders are unsure how or where to implement AI solutions for their organizations,” explains Higginson. “Nevertheless, leaders need a way to understand which AI initiatives will be the most impactful and which they are most ready to implement. Leaders should begin selecting their AI initiative because early adoption of impactful technology will provide a competitive advantage. Those who delay adoption will undoubtedly be left behind.”

Info-Tech suggests that AI’s integration into marketing is more than just a technological shift; it represents a significant evolution in how marketers can drive business growth. The newly published industry resource emphasizes how AI, a domain traditionally viewed through an IT lens, is now becoming a key driver of marketing success.

Info-Tech’s Capitalizing on AI blueprint explores the pivotal role of AI in enhancing marketing strategies through these three critical areas:

  1. Revenue growth: AI can enable organizations to increase revenue growth with previously unseen marketing, sales, and customer success use cases.
  2. Cost savings: The revolutionary technology can offer significant cost savings through reduced person-hours, faster implementations, and increased efficiency.
  3. Operational efficiency: Organizations can drive operational efficiency as well as reduce the monotonous tasks that marketers experience.

The insights found within the blueprint highlight the immense, tangible benefits of integrating AI into marketing strategies. Taking a strategic approach, marketers can leverage AI to drive significant improvements in marketing efficiency and business outcomes. Info-Tech also outlines the top five bets organizations should consider to capitalize on AI:

  1. AI customer experience chatbots: Automation at scale with conversational and generative AI will lead to increased efficiency and decreased time to resolution in contact centers.
  2. Revenue intelligence: AI uncovers hidden demand in net-new accounts, providing lead and account intelligence, intent data, and predictive analytics to prioritize prospects actively seeking solutions.
  3. AI content creation & optimization: Technology can help generate various content types, optimize websites, and identify missing elements through search engine optimization techniques.
  4. Competitive intelligence: AI-powered software gathers, analyzes, and interprets competitor data, offering insights into trends, actions, and strategic decision-making.
  5. Personalization & testing AI: Tailor website content based on individual interests and preferences and conduct A/B testing to optimize user experience and identify key messages for target audiences.

In embracing these transformative AI features, marketers can navigate the evolving landscape with confidence, driving business growth and delivering exceptional customer experiences. As organizations strive to stay ahead in a rapidly changing market, integrating AI into marketing strategies should not be seen as just an option but a strategic imperative for sustainable success.

For exclusive and timely commentary from Terra Higginson, an expert in marketing strategies and technologies like AI, and access to the complete Capitalizing on AI blueprint, please contact

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