Agillic is entering the DACH region with a native customer

customer data

“Make it all about me!” This is the craving brands must satisfy as they engage with customers. Today, personalisation and relevance are chief value drivers in marketing. However, with a continually increasing volume of customer data, tools to make that data actionable are a necessity. Marketing software company Agillic provides a native customer marketing platform that enables companies to orchestrate and execute highly personalised communication across channels. In August 2019, the company entered DACH and is now out to make it all about the companies in the region.

“Discovering Agillic, a mature and native omnichannel customer marketing platform, as opposed to the better-known providers proposing in truth only a suite of integrations, was an eye-opener for me. Agillic’s motto is “Act on insight” and this will resonate strongly within the DACH region where data-driven communication can be a powerful differentiator. Companies know that they need technology to work with data, automate the execution of their communication and scale successfully, and Agillic provides this technology,” says Peter Floer Managing Director Agillic DACH.

The Agillic Customer Marketing Platform enables marketers to reach and engage customers through the automation of personalised communication. The customer-centric platform is designed from scratch to help the marketing department put the customer at the centre of communication and create a holistic experience across channels, such as email, SMS, app push websites, print and paid media.

With Agillic, marketers can perform advanced activities without the need to code or call in IT specialists. This empowers marketing departments immensely in their daily work.

Build brand love through communication
It is the rising need for personalisation and holistic customer experiences that drives the investment in MarTech products such as Agillic.

Thanks to the Internet, products can be purchased globally, they can be imitated, and prices can easily be compared and matched. The only true differentiator is the relationship that companies build with customers through interactions and communication. It is a relationship in which the consumers have the upper hand: They can grant or deny permission, block ads and emails or move on, causing loyalty to a specific brand to go extinct.

Companies need to stay on their toes to keep customers loyal and strive to understand what fuels continual brand love. The short answer is one-to-one, personalised and relevant communication at the right time. Consumers want relevant and meaningful experiences and conversations, and they want communication to be all about them. As they move in non-linear journeys between channels, whether digital or physical, and as they switch between devices, they expect brands to be able to deliver personalised communication at any point in their individual journey.

“We are a scaleup and growth company, and the DACH region is highly interesting for us as it is one of the most advanced in the world with a strong economy and a high standard of living,” says CEO of Agillic Jesper Valentin. “There are interesting companies present, and there is a good match between what they are looking for in the MarTech landscape and what we are bringing to the table.”

Select features of the Agillic Customer Marketing Platform:

  • Omnichannel execution. From the Agillic platform, brands can execute their communication across channels such as email, SMS, app push, websites, print and paid media. Omnichannel marketing offers a more holistic customer experience compared to multichannel marketing.
  • Agillic’s flexible data structure is the backbone for the clients’ data model. It is also the data structure that enables the omnichannel execution, as it offers a 360° view of the customer. Data from each touchpoint and interaction, regardless of the channel, can continually enrich the customer conversation and enable the brand and consumer to have a seamless and coherent conversation.
  • Clients have the option to deploy Agillic’s AI to drive more value from their data and amplify the communication impact by letting the AI help suggest timing, channel as well as content based on subtle patterns.
  • Integrations to the Facebook, Google and Adform ecosystems enable clients to unlock personalisation in paid media to enhance the relevance and create a significant boost in return on advertising investment.

To learn more about omnichannel marketing take a look at the first chapter of “Make it all about me – Leveraging omnichannel and AI for marketing success”

Rasmus Houlind, Chief Strategy Officer of Agillic and thought leader within omnichannel and digital marketing and Colin Shearer, thought leader in AI and advanced analytics, have co-authored “Make it all about me – Leveraging omnichannel and AI for marketing success.” In the book, a thorough presentation of the principles of the customer-centric organisation and of omnichannel marketing is available.

About Agillic A/S
Agillic is a Nordic software company enabling marketers to maximise the use of data and translate it into relevant and personalised communication establishing strong relations between people and brands. Our customer marketing platform uses AI to enhance the business value of customer communication. By combining data-driven customer insights with the ability to execute personalised communication, we provide our clients with a head start in the battle of winning markets and customers.

Besides the company headquarter in Copenhagen, Agillic has sales offices in London (UK) and Stockholm (Sweden), Zurich (CH), as well as a development unit in Kiev (Ukraine). For further information, please visit

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