Digital Marketing

AdCellerant is CPSI ISO 27001 Certified for InfoSec Management System

AdCellerant makes quality digital marketing accessible to every business.

AdCellerant is proud to announce that it has achieved an ISO 27001 certification, the internationally recognized standard for information security management, through CPSI Certifications Inc. This significant milestone demonstrates AdCellerant’s commitment to the highest information security and data protection standards.

AdCellerant has been assessed and approved to the international standard of ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information Security Management System due to their management of information security as it applies to digital marketing technologies and solutions, including information and cloud technology, delivery, operations, infrastructure, and support services.

“Our recent ISO 27001 certification reflects how seriously we take the responsibility of securing data, hardening systems, and being compliant with data privacy regulations,” said Douglas Ljung, Compliance Manager at AdCellerant. “Our partners now have another layer of confidence in how we manage their data as this globally recognized certification validates the security, confidentiality, and availability of our entire ecosystem.”

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