Optimization, Personalization & Testing

AdBeacon Releases The Facebook Solution to iOS14.5 platform


AdBeacon announced the launch of its first party data tracking and ad optimization platform today. The platform enables online advertisers, especially Facebook marketers to use their own data to accurately target advertisers in real time.

Ever since the Apple iOS14.5 update of April 2021, marketers have not had an accurate way to optimize their ad campaigns. Utilizing third party data from Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Snapchat and even Google has become less reliable. AdBeacon solves this problem with a real time ad optimization and attribution SaaS platform that uses its own technology to track site visitors and help marketers make accurate informed ad media decisions.

AdBeacon uses the power of first-party tracking data—information derived directly from customer interactions—to enable highly accurate ad optimization in real time, as opposed to the inaccurate delayed data marketers have been receiving. In fact, AdBeacon gives marketers an array of tools that can provide more accurate targeting than was achievable even before the release of iOS14.

AdBeacon effectively addresses the issues that marketers have been forced to confront as a direct result of iOS14 and its impact on customer privacy. Due to these issues Facebook (Meta) has reduced the post-click attribution window from 28 days to 7 days. As AdBeacon stores first party data, this limitation has essentially been eliminated and AdBeacon customers can enjoy lookback windows as far back as they have stored data.

AdBeacon is also an eCommerce reporting and attribution platform allowing CEO’s, CMO’s and other digital marketers to make big picture decisions as to how best to spend their advertising dollars.

AdBeacon has been designed by marketers for marketers. It is the result of a lengthy research and development process overseen by experienced industry professionals who have carefully followed industry trends over the last few years and understand the need for accurate marketing attribution software.

AdBeacon CEO Phoenix Ha explains the importance of a new approach to ad optimization:

“When iOS14 hit the advertising world, I knew it was time to get to work. That’s when I dove into develop a solution that is easy for marketers to use and scale but also includes full service support from a team of seasoned marketers.”

AdBeacon is not just an ad optimization platform, but has been developed as a community for media buyers. To learn more about AdBeacon, visit the company’s website at https://www.adbeacon.com/ and try a free 14-day trial.

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