Customer Experience, Service & Success

ActionIQ And Slalom Partner

Slalom to Offer Specialized Services Tailored for AIQ CX Hub

ActionIQ, the leader in customer experience (CX) solutions, and Slalom, a global consulting firm focused on strategy, technology and business transformation, today announced a strategic partnership, whereby Slalom will offer specialized services tailored for the ActionIQ platform to help enterprise brands increase time to value and accelerate campaigns as they use the AIQ CX Hub to discover audiences and orchestrate personalized, impactful customer experiences at scale.

The specialized services combining data, marketing, customer experience and organizational change offered by Slalom around the ActionIQ CX Hub will include:

  • Strategy services, such as CX research, marketing strategy and use case development
  • Implementation and Integration offerings, including integrations with other platforms such as advertising, analytics, data sources, engagement, planning, along with sales and service systems
  • Managed services, such as change management, governance and expansion

“This partnership brings together the unique advantages and technical superiority of the ActionIQ CX Hub with Slalom’s strategy, technology, and business transformation services,” said Neil Wilson, Vice President of Partnerships at ActionIQ. “The ActionIQ CX Hub helps brands make every team member a CX champion through self-service ability to action the full breadth of customer data to deliver personalized customer experiences. This partnership will empower enterprise customers to utilize ActionIQ to the full extent through Slalom’s AIQ-tailored service offerings.”

The ActionIQ CX Hub, powered by a CDP, brings order to CX chaos by enabling all teams with direct and controlled self-service access to customer data to discover audiences and orchestrate experiences for millions of customers. With accessibility across users, the AIQ CX Hub gives users the direct access they need to execute use cases while giving data owners complete control of data governance.

“We’re excited to join forces with such a strong industry leader,” said Ronak Shah, Sales Director of Slalom NYC. “With our combined experience across the martech landscape, we are in an excellent position to provide a wide range of customized services to clients, including marketing strategy, use case development, ActionIQ CX Hub implementation, integrations with other platforms, and managed services.”

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