Mobile Marketing

Aarki rechognized as a leading Mobile Marketing Platform

Aarki, a leading mobile marketing platform has been recognized in SOOMLA's newly released Ad LTV benchmark Report for 2019
mobile marketing performance

Aarki, a leading AI-enabled mobile marketing platform, has been acknowledged in SOOMLA‘s newly released Ad Lifetime Value (LTV) Benchmarks Report for 2019.

The report gives a detailed analysis that reveals mobile Ad LTV data for Day 7 and Day 30 broken down by media sources, operating systems, device models, and countries. It depends on aggregated data gathered through the SOOMLA engine during Q2 of 2019, analyzing 80 million user activities of over 9 billion impressions more than 450 applications.

As indicated by SOOMLA, Aarki, Facebook, and Vungle generate the highest Ad LTV. While analyzing LTV growth trajectory by source (US-Android), they found that, for D30, both Facebook and Aarki were at good LTV.

Sid Bhatt, CEO of Aarki said that “We are absolutely pleased to see SOOMLA recognizing Aarki as a leading mobile marketing platform that consistently delivers high LTV to its customers. The strong performance results from the unification of machine learning (AI) algorithms, creative optimization, and proprietary data.”

With Aarki’s objective to connect users to brands they love, they strive to deliver mobile marketing performance at scale and engaging ad experiences.

Here are the main findings of the Ad LTV Benchmarks Report:

Facebook, Aarki, and Vungle produced the highest Ad LTV.

Relying on the D7 Ad LTV in monetization calculations is important, but app publishers should pay great attention to the growth trajectory of the period following D7, where the lifetime value is bound to increase.

North America has the highest Ad LTV among the nations analyzed. With that being said, Android user’s Ad LTV is higher in all countries (excluding Brazil and India) in comparison to the iOS user’s metrics.

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