Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in many countries of the world, but it is celebrated with different types of traditions.
Thanksgiving is a long-standing holiday in the United States & is now known world-over as a holiday worth taking note of. Though popularly associated with America, the holiday is celebrated in many places such as Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Liberia.
In America, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Though begun as a harvest festival, Thanksgiving now takes on many forms & is packed to the brim with traditions & celebrations.
“Oddly, marketing & advertising have been credited for a large chunk of the traditions & customs involved in this festival. The festival’s lack of religious association allowed it to be celebrated by all & this allowed for space to be opened up for products that can be boosted by creative advertisers & promoted to a wider, much larger audience,” says Mr Pravin Chandan.
Thanksgiving has now become a holiday that involves families gathering at the table with relatives they see once a year, to talk & eat over a table stocked with “thanksgiving special delicacies”. The tradition of eating certain foods at thanksgiving itself, was born out of marketers & advertisers pushing for the tradition through imagery & video advertising in the early 90s.
Now, stores stock themselves up with various varieties of mains & a host of “traditional side dishes” & their ingredients, all of which were promoted & adopted through years of advertising.
It is also worth noting that companies begin to market Thanksgiving-related goods & products almost a month before the actual festival. Selling out recipe books, ingredients, easy-to-cook meals, table garnishes & decorations.
In addition to Thanksgiving itself, the festival comes coupled with “Black Friday”, which is observed on Friday that follows Thanksgiving. It is the much-awaited day-of-deals when shoppers, still recovering from the previous night’s meal, head to stores to jump on the opportunity to score deals on electronics & clothes at 50 – 70% discounts. Black Friday is, in fact, regarded as the busiest shopping day in the United States.
“With digital marketing & faster than ever shipping, the US market is open for grabs even to businesses in India. Offering flash deals on Black Friday & providing customised products that cater to Thanksgiving can open up new avenues for revenue & customer expansion for small businesses. Why rely only on the local market when the opportunities are endless.” says Mr Chandan.
Black Friday & Thanksgiving together contribute to so much out-flow & in-flow of capital that they affect the stock market itself. Mr Pravin Chandan believes that the digital realm of marketing can enable businesses in India to reach for the world & taking the Thanksgiving season by flood would be prudent to brands.
“With the adoption of more & more trends & festivals from the west, we already see some restaurants & stores in India creating Thanksgiving special menus & items. This market is yet to be fully explored. If Black Friday deals & the host of offers that come with it are introduced to the Indian market, we can surely see a day when there’s a healthy influx of money into the economy. It may also help businesses in India to adopt the festival in the situation where they simply do not have the ability to access global markets. India being the land of festivals, a few more of such worthy activities might give a big motivation to many. In fact, it would help brands & marketers,” says Mr Pravin Chandan in regards to the adoption of festivals & traditions from the west.
Mr Pravin Chandan hosts marketing strategy education through his platforms to enable small businesses to grow through the seasons. Ideas on tailoring marketing content & advertising can be found on his channels including his Instagram at or his website at
Mr Chandan believes that the free marketing education can come in handy at times like these, so home-grown brands can grow & thrive through the world of opportunities presented to them.
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