Social Media Marketing & Monitoring

AudienceLink, a Custom Audience Solution for Facebook Marketing

V12 Data Launches AudienceLink

V12 Data, a leading provider of people-based marketing solutions, today announced the launch of AudienceLink, a powerful custom audience solution for distribution through Facebook client accounts or approved Facebook integration partners.

AudienceLink is a machine-learning platform that leverages multi-verified, privacy-compliant data source built using data products that cover consumer and business audiences. Data assets include 215+ million consumer contacts with full address, 186+ million VINs, 208 million consumer emails, 300 million monthly cookies and 1,900 audience segments.  The database contains 100% opt-in emails and sourcing collection methods undergo extensive due diligence, adhering to DMA (Direct Marketing Association) and IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) guidelines.

“We are thrilled to offer clients a high-quality data solution as an alternative to Facebook’s discontinued Partner Categories,” said Andy Frawley, CEO of V12 Data.  “Brands or agencies can partner with us to create audiences using their customer data or our third-party data assets for upload into the platform or through an integration partner. Clients currently using AudienceLink have experienced a 3x increase in sales conversions and a 20% increase in engagement.”

The solution is available for all industries, with specialty data sets available for retail and automotive. V12 AudienceLink for Retail offers comprehensive consumer data including shopping behavior, lifestyle categories, hobbies, interests, and in-market purchase indicators, powered by mobile-intent solution, V12 Signals. V12 AudienceLink for Auto is an industry-leading VIN data source with information on over 186+ million VINs, including make, model, year and in-market indicators. The data is available with zero marketing restrictions.

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