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NextRoll Hires President for AdRoll’s Ecommerce Marketing Division

Former Brex and LinkedIn executive, Roli Saxena, brings SaaS expertise to marketing software and digital advertising business
ecommerce website

NextRoll, the marketing technology company delivering products for ambitious marketers to grow their business, today announced Roli Saxena as its new President for the AdRoll division. Saxena will be focused on leveraging the company’s deep roots in data and machine learning to drive adoption of the AdRoll Ecommerce Marketing Platform by direct-to-consumer (D2C) marketers.

Ecommerce saw its biggest boom in 2020 with more new businesses and consumers online than ever before – and AdRoll’s platform was designed to meet the needs of marketers within D2C brands.  Last April, AdRoll unveiled its new platform which included email and advertising capabilities, and with Saxena, a seasoned SaaS executive now at the helm, that momentum is set to continue. The company saw more than 100 percent monthly growth in its platform subscriptions in the last six months of 2020, with more marketers depending on the technology to acquire and retain customers.

“AdRoll is uniquely positioned to lead the next wave of D2C marketing automation, which is what made me so excited about this opportunity,” said Roli Saxena, President of AdRoll. “NextRoll is a profitable and scalable business, thanks to its legacy media and new SaaS model across its businesses. With the launch of the AdRoll Ecommerce Marketing Platform last year, we now have a business model delivering marketing software and digital advertising to D2C brands – combining ads and email in one powerful platform. I’m excited to accelerate AdRoll’s growth by delivering a platform that D2C marketers truly rely on to grow their businesses.”

Saxena, who most recently served as Chief Customer Officer at Brex, has deep experience in  AdRoll’s current stage of moving from a single product to a multi-product SaaS company. During her time at Brex, Saxena was responsible for customer revenue and launching Brex banking products, during the company’s rapid growth. She was a pivotal leader at LinkedIn, holding a variety of leadership roles, through IPO and growth to three billion dollars in revenue.

In addition to leading companies into new areas of SaaS growth, Saxena has played an active role in growing their culture and diversity efforts. She was the co-founder of the LinkedIn Women’s Network program that increased women’s representation in senior leadership roles. She has been recognized as one of San Francisco Business Times’ Most Influential Women in the Bay Area. She is an angel investor with Operator Collective, an organization leveling the investing landscape for women and people of color. Saxena also sits on the board of Culture Amp and understands how building a strong culture can be a force multiplier for business outcomes.

“Outside of the market opportunity, what really swayed my decision to join was the people I met during the interview process and the overall culture of inclusion across the entire NextRoll organization,” said Saxena. “As an introvert and woman of color, I have experienced environments where I did not fit in or felt I didn’t belong, so it was refreshing to see the focus of NextRoll on culture and inclusion. There are many companies who talk about D&I and I was impressed to see that NextRoll did more than talk about it but operationalized D&I in the fabric of the culture.”

“Beyond Roli’s impressive SaaS track record in multiple growth businesses, she’s an excellent fit for our values and culture here at NextRoll,” said Robin Bordoli, CEO of NextRoll. “Roli stands with us in our mission to create a more supportive and diverse workplace. She has consistently invested time and energy in elevating the voices of her peers and women in the industry. We’re thrilled to have her on board and look forward to learning from her and growing with her in 2021 and beyond.”

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