Content & Experience, Optimization, Personalization & Testing

Predictive Personalization vs Rules Based Personalization in Martech

business solutions

It is crucial for any business website to sustain the attention of the viewer long enough to convert the lead into a deal. Personalization of the content becomes vital under such circumstances. There are two types of content personalisation,

  1. Predictive Personalization – identifies users at a granular level while focusing on displaying content based on their intent instead of available information about their interests and previous behaviour.
  2. Rules-based Personalization – uses straightforward and manually adjusted rules having identifiable attributes thereby dividing the audience into smaller segments based on the user’s previous interaction with the site.

Let us see the differences in brief.

Category Rules Based Personalization Predictive Personalization
Basic Differences Involves the creation of a set of rules to display a particular content to different visitors by manually designing the web landing page Involves machine learning and does not require human interaction as it uses algorithms to understand the visitor’s behaviour and personalise the site accordingly
E-commerce transactions It works perfectly with readily accessible data. You can use it to display personalised callouts thereby offer better services to high-value clients It involves a complicated method based on the demonstrated behaviour of the clients. It has its importance in big eCommerce sites that provide a large number of products
Types of data used Requires explicit data like demographic and contextual data that the visitors willingly provide In addition to the precise data, it taps into the implicit data by offering recommendations for the particular segment. It accounts for the intent of the user as well in addition to the demographic and contextual data

Which is the better option of the two?

Each methodology has its importance, but the convenience, scalability, and low operation cost make the predictive personalisation methodology a better one for the future.

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