Marketing Automation

transcosmos and transcosmos online communications co-develop BCP package

The Package utilizes LINE as customer support channels, offers emergency chatbot services
marketing automation platforms

transcosmos inc. and transcosmos online communications inc. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President: Hiroshi Kaizuka) hereby announce that the two companies have co-developed a LINE-powered Business Continuity Planning (BCP) package designed for contact centers to address natural disasters and infectious disease outbreaks. The package enables businesses to offer emergency chatbot services via LINE martech news.

Given that contact centers that respond to customer inquiries play a critical role in the BCP, businesses have been pushing for an “area-decentralization,” which is to decentralize contact center locations. Yet, the market participants started becoming aware that such area-decentralization alone cannot sufficiently handle customer inquiries during a global pandemic and other emergency situations. Against this backdrop, transcosmos and transcosmos online communications have jointly developed a LINE-powered BCP package designed for contact centers with the aim of driving “channel-decentralization” by utilizing LINE as a contact center channel in addition to phones and emails.

By connecting clients’ LINE official account with the customer support tool “KANAMETO (*)” in advance, the BCP package allows them to set up a chatbot channel via LINE swiftly in case of emergency. With chatbot (auto reply) features in place, clients can provide customers with first response in situations where it is difficult to help customers immediately by calls or emails. Chatbot gives businesses an additional advantage, enabling them to set up an emergency customer support center with less man-hours within a shorter timeframe than opening a traditional call-based contact center. All necessary preparations such as designing chat scenarios and service flowcharts, preparing required knowledge, designing and building a chatbot will be done by transcosmos.

■ Background
Due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), business continuity planning (BCP) has become more important than ever before. According to “2017 Survey report on business continuity and disaster management planning status of Japanese companies” published by the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, 81.4% of large enterprises and 46.5% of small and medium enterprises responded that they have “already developed BCP” or are “currently developing BCP” as of 2017. With regard to risks that businesses have assumed in preparing their plans, 98.1% cited earthquakes followed by infectious diseases such as a novel influenza virus at 69.1%.

(*) “KANAMETO” is a LINE messaging tool developed and offered by transcosmos communications inc., a joint-stock company between transcosmos, LINE Corporation and Co., Ltd. Equipped with a questionnaire feature, KANAMETO enables businesses to deliver segmented messages based on user attributes collected via this feature in addition to a chatbot feature to have one-on-one chat communication with multiple LINE users simultaneously. By adding a new feature to integrate KANAMETO with Salesforce Service Cloud in October 2019, it became easier to visualize customer service performance and to perform analysis to increase productivity. Through the offering of diverse services that range from LINE marketing to customer support, transcosmos and transcosmos communications help local governments and businesses communicate with consumers marketing automation.

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