8 Second PR wins 2019 Best Book Award for Communications Public Relations Category

Amazon bestseller “8-Second PR” is humbly honored to be selected as the Winner of the 2019 Best Book Awards in the Business: Communications / Public Relations Category. This bestselling book is available on Amazon via paperback and Kindle ebook (and free on Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday 2019 only).
public relations courses

Marketing and Public Relations book, “8-Second PR: Energize Your Story for Ultimate Media Success!”, is proud to announce that it was selected as the Winner for the 2019 Best Book Awards in the Business: Communications / Public Relations Category by American Book Fest. And in support of Author Liz H Kelly’s goal “to empower 1 million brands to amplify their story,” the Kindle ebook version will be $0.00 as a holiday book promotion on Cyber Monday (December 2, 2019) and Giving Tuesday (December 3, 2019) ONLY on Amazon.

American Book Fest is an online publication providing coverage for books from mainstream and independent publishers with over 138,000 fans on Facebook. Jeffrey Keen, President and CEO of American Book Fest said that the 16th Annual Best Book Awards contest received over 2,000 entries, which were narrowed down to over 90 category Winners and 310+ Finalists for books published in 2017-2019. Winners included books published by HarperCollins, Penguin/Random House, Simon and Schuster, Hay House, and hundreds of Independent Houses throughout the United States.

Goody PR Founder and Author Liz H Kelly expressed thanks, “We’re so grateful to the American Book Fest for recognizing 8-Second PR as the Best Book Awards Winner in the Business: Communications/ PR category. We wrote the book as a way to give back to the community by sharing our PR Secrets after booking thousands of media interviews on CNN, TODAY Show, CBS Health Watch and more that most PR agencies would never tell you.” Martech

In addition, Kelly announces the release of a new 8-Second PR online course on Teachable. Course 4: How to Write Powerful Media Hooks that Connect with Reporters can help small businesses, brands, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals and authors increase awareness and sales through earned media interviews (TV, radio and print) that are 3x more valuable than any paid ad. This interactive online course includes videos, slides, case study examples, and workbook exercises for how to book major media.

Based on the book, 8-Second PR’s Online Course 4 on Teachable includes how to:

1.    Write a moving email subject line that gets opened by reporters.
2.    Write a clear and compelling first sentence in every pitch.
3.    Define the star(s) in each story pitch.
4.    Make your story relevant and timely.
5.    Define HOW your brand is improving lives.
6.    Define key talking points to support your story hook.
7.    Provide supporting media to amplify your brand.
8.    Test Media Hooks A, B, C and repeat.

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